Father Jenkins, Urgently Reconsider!

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Father Jenkins, Urgently Reconsider!
Father Jenkins, Urgently Reconsider!


In a March 25 letter to the President of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has registered its vehement opposition at his decision to have our nation’s president speak at the commencement and receive a Doctor of Laws degree from the institution.


The following letter was sent to Fr. John Jenkins, President of the University of Notre Dame.


March 25, Feast of the Annunciation and Incarnation of the Word


Rev. Fr. John I. Jenkins CSC
University of Notre Dame
400 Main Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Dear Fr. Jenkins,

It is with great perplexity and grief that I write to express my affliction at your decision to have our nation’s president speak at Notre Dame.

As you know, abortion is a sin that clamors for a Divine Nuremberg since it is a sin that only finds modern historical parallels in the atrocities committed by the cohorts of Communism and Nazism. Whether each and every pro-abortion individual understands this clearly or not in his conscience does not alter the calamitous reality of this fact. Thus, I am perplexed and appalled that a priest of Holy Mother Church and president of one of America’s most outstanding and emblematic Catholic universities would invite a manifestly pro-abortion president to give the commencement address and receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. This places me in the lamentable position of having to express my vehement opposition to this invitation made to the highest dignitary of our nation.

I pray and trust that you will reconsider this invitation that causes so much scandal to the faithful and to all who oppose the “culture of death.”

Sincerely yours,

Raymond E. Drake

Father Jenkins, Urgently Reconsider!
