""""[vc_column_text]Once again the devil has shown his ugly face in the public square. This time it happened in Oklahoma City. A blasphemous Satanic Black Mass was held on September 21st at the Oklahoma City Civic Center. Even though more than 200,000 people signed online petitions demanding the cancellation of the blasphemy, the public affront to God and the Satanic Black Mass went on as scheduled. A Black Mass is a parody of the Catholic Mass performed by Satanists as a way of rejecting Christ and His Church. Unspeakable acts are done to a host (in this case reportedly unconsecrated) including stomping upon it.
On the one side, less then twenty people appeared for the Black Mass event inside the center. However, outside the center, there was a massive outpouring of public disapproval. Hundreds of outraged Catholics gathered outside of the Civic Center to pray the rosary and offer reparation to Our Lord.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]""""[vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/ppiOCLfZ1LY” el_width=”60″][/vc_column][/vc_row]""""[vc_column_text]The Catholic response to the Black Mass began when thousands of Catholics gathered at 3 p.m. for a Holy Hour and Eucharistic procession at St. Francis of Assisi Church, a few blocks from the Civic Center. The church, gymnasium and recreation center were so full that hundreds were forced to stand outside.
At 5 p.m., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) held its own public act of reparation outside the Civic Center with a procession of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima carried by TFP members in their ceremonial habit. While Our Lady took her place at the front of the manifestation facing the Civic Center, the crowd and bagpipes intoned the Marian hymn, âHail Holy Queen Enthroned Above.â
As a public act of reparation progressed, people arrived until some 600-700 Catholics stood before the site of the blasphemy. Rosaries, litanies, slogans and fervent prayers were offered up. Bishop Carl A. Kemme of Witchita, Kansas arrived and led the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary and gave the crowd his blessing, thus fortifying them to bear witness to their Catholic Faith.
Opposition was to be expected. However, the number of the Black Massâ supporters was insignificant in comparison to the hundreds gathered in defense of the Faith. Some anarchists held signs in favor of no religion, atheism or âequality.â Some rock-ribbed Protestants appeared and quite loudly condemned both the Satanists and the Catholics. These seemed more inflamed by the Catholics’ devotion to Our Lady than the blasphemy that was being perpetrated in the basement of the Civic Center. Such opposition however, did not deter the Catholics, but rather it strengthened their combative, serious, and resolute attitude.

The public act of reparation finished at 7 p.m., with the song, âHoly God We Praise Thy Name,â as Our Lady was escorted away from the civic center. Shortly before, there appeared a bright and beautiful rainbow in the sky, as if it were a smile from Our Lady to her faithful children. One Oklahoman enthusiastically stated, âEvery Catholic Oklahoman should be present at this event!â
Although the act of reparation ended, the battle continues. Catholics must never cease to show their indignation in a peaceful and legal manner. While there are those who persist in defaming and blaspheming Our Lord publicly in such vile ways, there must always be faithful Catholics who rise up and defend Him.