1. The bloodthirsty dictator Castro and the Cuban communist revolution would not have gone beyond the plains of Sierra Maestra and the province of Santiago de Cuba without the enigmatic support he received from the highest levels of the clergy, including from the last three Popes.
2. Yes, there was enigmatic and huge ecclesiastic support. From the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba and Primate of the Cuban Church, Most Rev. Pérez Serantes, who saved Castro’s life in 1953 after his frustrated guerrilla attack on the Moncada Barracks, to the papal Nuncio in Cuba during the first years of the revolution, Msgr. Cesare Sacchi, of very sad memory; from the Cuban trip of Archbishop Casaroli, then Secretary for Public Affairs of the Church, who went so far as to say that Cuban Catholics “are happy within the socialist system,” to the book-interview Fidel y la Religión, by the Cuban National Ecclesial Encounter (ENEC), whose final document, with Vatican approval, went from dialogue and collaboration with communism to support of its socio-economic goals; and finally, from Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, who went on pilgrimage to the communist sanctuary, effusively shook the blood-stained hands of the dictator, and lent him their direct or indirect support, thus preventing the collapse of the communist regime that has now lasted for six long decades.
3. The history of politics will not absolve the dictator. And with all due respect, one does not see how the history of religion will absolve those churchmen responsible for the prolongation of this nefarious regime.
4. All this, including the trips, statements, gestures and actions of the latest three pontiffs has been analyzed by exiled Cubans in dozens of articles and in several documented books, especially by former political prisoner Armando Valladares, one of the greatest Cuban figures in exile. Those articles and books can be read on the web site www.cubdest.org.
5. Fidel Castro died in bed without pain or glory. For many years he had no longer worn his military uniform, replaced by a vulgar Adidas jacket. And he took much too long to die. All this contributed to the gradual, day by day withering of his myth. This can be seen in many dithyrambic reports about the dictator which, sitting in newsroom drawers for years and reeking of that characteristically stale and musty smell, have now come to light, filling pages and pages online or in print. When Castro died, pro-Castroites around the world did everything they could to recycle the commander’s myth, but reality shows that the myth has simply withered.

6. Castro and the Cuban revolution have caused gigantic spiritual and material destruction in Cuba, in the Americas, and throughout the world. All that damage deserves to be compiled in a “Black Book” on the Castro revolution, while at the same time deciphering the mysterious enigma of Communist-Catholic collaboration in Cuba. Anyone who can explain this mystery of Catholic self-destruction would do immense good to the Church and to mankind, and would undoubtedly earn recognition far superior to that of a Nobel Prize recipient.
Important Notice: These brief and informal comments by Destaque Internacional do not necessarily represent the views of all members of its editorial board. These comments are intended to draw attention to “politically incorrect” and often ignored issues which are nevertheless vital to society. Our aim is to encourage debate and remove anesthesia. We welcome suggestions, opinions, critiques and unsubscribe requests to [email protected]. Earlier editorials can be read at www.cubdest.org.