The vast majority of pro-lifers were unable to attend the 48th annual March for Life on January 29 in Washington, D.C., because the event was canceled. However, a small dedicated corps of activists braved the frigid 30-degree temperatures and bitter winds to stand up for the helpless preborn at the nation’s capital.
On the anniversary of the horrific Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, a press statement from President Joe Biden reiterated his administration’s uncompromising pro-abortion stance. “In the past four years,” the press statement read, “reproductive health, including the right to choose, has been under relentless and extreme attack. We are deeply committed to making sure everyone has access to care — including reproductive health care — regardless of income, race, zip code, health insurance status, or immigration status.”
In light of the radical left’s redoubled efforts, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) traveled to the American Capitol to defend the unborn. The usually bustling city was empty and depressed. Garbage and tent-covered sidewalks gave the place an unhealthy appearance. Capitol Hill area was cordoned off with tall fences topped with barbed wire and protected by armed National Guardsmen and metropolitan police.
Joining the TFP volunteers was a small pro-life group from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who congregated in front of Union Station for a pro-life rally. The TFP bagpipe and drum band played patriotic songs, which boosted the morale of the pro-lifers.
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The TFP volunteers handed out flyers with the official TFP March for Life statement titled “As Our National Consensus Crumbles: Hope in Fatima and a Return to God.”
“This year,” the statement affirms, “we are in the throes of a multi-faceted crisis involving the coronavirus, civil unrest, electoral turmoil and financial uncertainty. This crisis is shaking all our institutions and certainties. It creates a “new normal” where anything becomes possible. The crisis makes the fight against abortion all the more necessary.”
The group of nearly 80 pro-lifers made an extraordinary sacrifice standing in the extreme cold. Some people, like Ryan and his friend, drove many hours to participate. “I drove all the way from Indiana to be here,” the young man explained, as he shook hands with the volunteers.
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In the early afternoon, a large group of pro-life leaders officially representing the March for Life walked past the pro-life rally, encouraged by the lively bagpipe and drum tunes.
Americans must never give up this moral battle for the heart and soul of America. This country is in a dire crisis, but as the TFP’s pro-life statement makes clear, “ We must convert and return to God. In God alone, will we find the grace and strength to fight the culture and win.”