Catholic Alverno College Links to 10 Abortion Advocacy Groups

Catholic Alverno College.jpgFaithful Catholics Launch Protest

The Alverno College Research Center for Women and Girls (RCWG) currently lists ten abortion advocacy organizations on its web site under “resources related to women and girls.” Problematic entries include:
• Center for Reproductive Rights
• Feminist Majority Foundation
• Feminist Women’s Health Center
• Lambda Legal
• National Women’s Health Network
• National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
• National Organization for Women (NOW)
• Women’s Medical Fund, Inc.

This is a partial screen shot of some of
the “resources” listed by Alverno College
as of June 20, 2010.

See the links here:

For example, the link to the Center for Reproductive Rights channels students to a web site that promotes “legal, safe, and affordable contraception and abortion.”

The Women’s Medical Fund, Inc. mentions how they provide “direct financial aid to Wisconsin women who are seeking to terminate an unwanted pregnancy… Over 99.5% of all donations go to directly fund poor women’s abortions,” their web site states.

Founded by the School Sisters of Saint Francis in 1887, Alverno College has 2,815 students. However, links that articulate Catholic teaching against abortion could not be found anywhere on the resource page where students are introduced to several abortion advocacy groups.

“It’s scandalous for a Catholic college to have any links with abortion advocacy groups or to present them as legitimate resources for students,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.  “Groups that deliberately favor the sin of abortion are not resources, but death sources.”

Committed to defend moral values on college campuses, the American TFP has launched an e-protest addressed to the president of Alverno College located in Wisconsin, Mrs. Mary Meehan, PhD, politely urging her to remove links to pro-abortion groups.  Everyone is invited to join this peaceful protest.

Rosemont College and the University of Detroit Mercy both deleted web site links to Planned Parenthood earlier this year after the American TFP  initiated peaceful protests.

To give this peaceful effort much more impact, spread the word by forwarding this information to your pro-life friends  (even your entire address book.)

Contact information: (be firm yet polite in your phone calls and letters)
Alverno College
Mrs. Mary Meehan, PhD, President
3400 South 43rd Street
P.O. Box 343922
Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922
Phone: 1-800-933-3401 — President’s office: 414-382-6064
Email: [email protected]

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alumnae Office:
[email protected]

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