Call to Chivalry Weekend: Catholic Boys Rediscover Medieval Treasures

Call to Chivalry Weekend: Catholic Boys Rediscover Medieval TreasuresThe TFP hosted another Call to Chivalry weekend for boys: Rediscovering Medieval Treasures.  The weekend started on Friday, Nov. 13 with a father/son pizza dinner followed by a rosary. Afterwards, the participants watched as evolution was refuted in front of their eyes, with the viewing of the DVD series: Animals that Defy Evolution. The boys needed to pay attention as a debate the next day was scheduled on the topic of evolution. After a hard night of the Academy-famed game of Prison break, the boys retired, reflecting, during the silence that followed, on the challenges that would follow.

The next morning the bagpipes sounded reveille, rousing everyone out of their slumber. And bedroom inspection followed to instill in the boys the need for cleanliness and order.

After a hearty breakfast and a rosary, the boys were given a meeting by TFP volunteer and teacher at St. Louis de Montfort Academy Mr. Byron Whitcraft, who talked about the medieval spirit of faith, contrasting it with the modern neo-pagan spirit of our times.

The boys then played an intense game of shield ball, a trademark sport of the TFP Call to Chivalry programs, and after lunch, ran a grueling obstacle course which challenged the boys to work and think as a team to overcome the different obstacles they found in their path. Urged on by invocations to Our Lady and crusader Saints, the boys progressed through the course, proving to themselves that teamwork coupled with prayer will get you pretty far. Exhausted from physical activities, the boys then had the opportunity to see a presentation by Mr. Benjamin Hiegert on medieval Spanish castles, and hone their intellectual skills as two teams engaged in lively debate on evolution. The Creationists won, fortunately.

After attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at St. Lawrence Chapel in Harrisburg, Penn., participants returned home, not regretting one moment of that weekend.


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