Bombshell Book Author Addresses Catholic Fears on Synod

Bombshell Book Author Addresses Catholic Fears on Synod
Bombshell Book Author Addresses Catholic Fears on Synod

On November 1, Feast of All Saints, concerned Catholics gathered at the Washington Bureau of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) in McLean, Virginia, to understand better what happened at the recently-ended Synod on Synodality.

The TFP speaker, Jose Antonio Ureta, co-author of the bombshell book The Synodal Process is a Pandora’s Box: 100 Questions and Answers, addressed the dozens of faithful Catholics with the talk titled “Fears, Apprehensions and Calamities from the Synod on Synodality: An Update and Prognostications.”

Mr. Ureta and his TFP co-author Julio Loredo de Izcue put together an unassuming work of just one hundred pages that has proven to be a global bombshell. With its foreword by Cardinal Raymond Burke, the book made headlines in mainstream Catholic and secular media outlets, including the Washington Post, New York Times and Associated Press. Even Pope Francis tried to allay fears of a “Pandora’s box” on a return flight from Mongolia, a clear reference to the book.

After its August 22 publication, with copies in now nine languages, the work was sent to all the world’s bishops in print and e-mail. In the United States, the book was mailed to all the cardinals, bishops, priests, deacons and lay brothers, making a total of 41,000 copies sent.

With the Synod’s close on October 28, Mr. Ureta provided a timely update on the proposals discussed and what the event means for the Church’s future.

The Synod: A Radical Attempt to Change Church Structure

The speaker stressed that the main emphasis was not the resolution of hot-button social issues highlighted by the media. The main goal was to introduce the process to change the Church’s structure from Her immutable and Divinely-established hierarchy based upon the unchanging teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ to an ever-changing and all-inclusive synodal church, in sync with the trends of the modern world.

Get the book now! The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box is now available for $10.95.
Click here to get your copy now.

The Synod leitmotif was the appeal to pastors to “listen” to and learn from their flocks. This attitude directly contradicts the Divine mandate to the clergy given by Our Lord to teach, govern and sanctify the faithful. Mr. Ureta questioned the utility of a clergy if its only function is to listen.

What Catholics Can Expect

While neither LGBTQ issues nor women’s ordination were approved in the final document of the Synod, Mr. Ureta points out that these issues will return when progressives use the “Synodal Process” to institute them as the will of the People of God.

The organizers erroneously claim that the Synodal Process is how all people, clergy and people, Catholic and non-Catholics, can make their voices heard and can even speak infallibly “in credendo.”

Remaining Faithful Amidst Growing Infidelity

The noted Catholic speaker stressed that Catholics must remain steadfast to Church teachings, no matter the storms ahead. Today, the Flock of Christ is surrounded by those who follow the revolutionary ideologies of the day. These times call faithful Catholics to a vocation of dedication to the cause of Holy Mother Church. This is all the more apparent when considering how many souls are lost due to false teachings and practices.

Mr. Ureta ended with the words of the faithful son of the Church and founder of the TFP, Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira:

“Behold the affirmation of the unvarying confidence of the Catholic soul, which kneels but remains firm amid the general convulsion—firm with all the firmness of those who, in the storm, and with a strength of soul even greater than it, continue to affirm from the bottom of their heart: “Credo in Unam, Sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam” that is, I believe in the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, against which, as promised to Saint Peter, the gates of hell will never prevail.”1



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