Attack on America, A Wake-up Call for the West

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Students from around the globe met at the American TFP Pennsylvania headquarters to discuss the events of the post-9/11 world from the perspective of Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
Students from around the globe met at the American TFP Pennsylvania headquarters to discuss the events of the post-9/11 world from the perspective of Revolution and Counter-Revolution.

Four months have passed since the brutal attacks of September 11th, but as the smoke clears at ground zero, the world emerges to face an all-important decision. Will it return to God and thus arise stronger, and more ready to face the challenges of an uncertain future, or will it allow evil to continue unabated and thus call down upon itself the great chastisements Our Lady predicted at Fatima?

With this in mind, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered men from France, Brazil, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the United States for a weekend to get acquainted with the thought of the TFP founder Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira. Held at the American TFP Pennsylvania headquarters the 2002 University Student Seminar was titled, Attack on America: A Wake-up Call for the West. Fr. Trouxessec and Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza also attended as guests of honor.

The program began on Saturday January 19th. After Mass and breakfast, French TFP veteran, Mr. Nelson Fragelli, gave the first two meetings on The Three Revolutions 1 , a basic presentation of the philosophy of the TFP.

French TFP veteran, Mr. Nelson Fragelli colorfully characterized the order of Medieval Christendom.
French TFP veteran, Mr. Nelson Fragelli colorfully characterized the order of Medieval Christendom.

In these talks, Mr. Fragelli first colorfully characterized the order of Medieval Christendom, emphasizing the natural hierarchy which, far from crushing inferiors, served as a staircase of authority which linked all of society to the heights of heaven.

He then outline the different stages of a five-centuries-old process, coined the Revolution by Prof. CorrĂȘa de Oliveira, which used the disorderly passions of pride and sensuality to systematically destroy every aspect of this medieval order, starting with the Protestant Revolution, continuing with the French Revolution and finishing with the Communist Revolution.

But, the process did not end there. In the next talk, American TFP speaker Mr. John Horvat discussed the emerging Fourth Revolution. With communism all external and political hierarchy of the medieval order was broken. The Fourth Revolution now targets the mind in an effort to break down all barriers of individuality. This process prepares the way for a utopian society of complete liberty and absolute equality.

After Sunday morning Mass, sung by the American TFP choir, Mr. Horvat gave the first meeting of the day titled, “Targeting America, A Look at Our Post 9-11 World.” In it he offered the well-developed hypothesis that the ultimate target of the 9-11 attacks was the American structure of order. This order, although not perfect, is the dike holding back the tide of the Fourth Revolution.

Time was also set aside to allow attendees to voice their opinions and ask questions.
Time was also set aside to allow attendees to voice their opinions and ask questions.

The American TFP President Raymond Drake, presented “Revolutionary Islam – A Renewed Assault on Christendom.” He showed the existence, within the Moslem world, of a radical movement he termed Revolutionary Islam led by the Moslem Brotherhood, which, heavily influenced by Marxist philosophy, promotes the Revolutionary process and a hardly concealed assault on the Catholic Church.

His Highness Prince Bertrand gave the final meeting, “The Position of the Counter-Revolution in Face of Current Events.” Defining this position, Prince Bertrand quoted Prof. CorrĂȘa de Oliveira who said, “In times of great crisis there are two types of men: those who are overwhelmed by the crisis and those who rise up to resist the trend of events and so change the course of history.”

In the final meeting, Prince Bertrand proved that we have the obligation to rise up and resist the trend of events.
In the final meeting, Prince Bertrand proved that we have the obligation to rise up and resist the trend of events.

The Counter-revolution’s position is to rise up, resist the trend of events and change history. Using logic and supported by the prophesies of Saints throughout history, Prince Bertrand then proved that the victory of the Counter-revolution is irreversible.

After attending the 29th annual March for Life in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, the conference attendees returned home, with renewed strength and better equipped for life after the attack on America, which all were convinced had been a wake-up call for the West.


  1. The term Revolution is used in the special sense given to it by Prof. Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira in Revolution and Counter-Revolution.

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