Another St. Valentine’s Day “Massacre”


The feast of St. Valentine has become a stage for feminists on 30 American Catholic Universities to attack the Church's traditional moral teaching.
The feast of St. Valentine has become a stage for feminists on 30 American Catholic Universities to attack the Church’s traditional moral teaching.

Feminists on thirty American Catholic universities are planning a new St. Valentine’s Day “Massacre,” where the Church’s traditional moral teaching is the victim, by organizing showings of the lewd play, “The V***** Monologues” in the weeks surrounding St. Valentine’s Day. (Asterisks added for the sake of modesty).

The choice of St. Valentine’s Day is particularly offensive, since it is a feast day of the Church instituted to honor three martyrs who died to defend the Faith.

According to the Cardinal Newman Society’s website (, the play is a conglomeration of vulgarities, obscenities and explicit discussions of sexuality and sexual encounters including lesbian activity and masturbation.

Their description continues: “In one scene, a woman describes her seduction by a lesbian woman when she was 16 years old, declaring it her ‘salvation’ and an important coming-of-age experience. The older woman leads the girl into sex by serving her alcohol and abusing her authority as an elder.”

“I cannot imagine an immoral play like this being shown at one Catholic university, let alone thirty of them,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. “It’s very indicative of the times in which we live!”
Bishop John M. D’Arcy issued a statement regarding this scandal: “Freedom in the academy is always subject to a particular discipline. It is never an absolute… Freedom in the Catholic tradition is not the right to do this rather than that. That would be an entirely superficial idea of freedom… Freedom is the capacity to choose the good.”
Now, TFP Student Action web site readers can SEND A PROTEST LETTER to the presidents of all 30 Catholic universities. Everyone needs to be concerned.
After being forced to see the play as part of a class, Christopher, a Catholic student from Massachusetts wrote:

…it was a horrible exhibit of vice, lust, and infidelity. Everything about the play – the content, the performers, the atmosphere – was decidedly opposed to just about everything the Church teaches, whether it be about sexuality, abortion, contraception, holy matrimony, modesty, chastity, vulgarity, humility, reverence, you name it…

Please defend Catholic morality and support students like Christopher.


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Pray and sacrifice in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the immorality of our days.

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