My Travels with a Queen

Throughout my life, I have had the privilege of accompanying the International Pilgrim Statue several times. Because of the miraculous aspect of this statue and out of reverence for her, we always buy her a seat on the plane. She always travels on a seat next to the custodian in a soft … Read more

The Universal Mediatrix

The Universal Mediatrix

On May 31, the Holy Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady, Universal Mediatrix of all Graces. In this age of afflictions and dangers, when all of mankind moans under the weight of misfortunes that increase at every moment, our needs grow and our prayers become more pressing. With this, it is … Read more

The Month of Mary

The Month of Mary 2

During the month of May – the month of Mary – we feel a special protection of Our Lady that extends to all the faithful; we feel a special joy that shines and illuminates our hearts expressing the universal certainty of Catholics that the indispensable patronage of our heavenly mother becomes even … Read more

In Colombia: The “Miracle” of Almaguer Revives Hopes

In Colombia: The “Miracle” of Almaguer Revives Hopes 2

In their fifth and by far most cruel attack on Almaguer, communist guerrillas recently devastated this little town which clings to the Andes in the province of Cauca in southeast Colombia. The guerrillas burst open the doors of the Catholic Church and placed dynamite charges under the altar, church and rectory. The … Read more

The True Devotion Trilogy I

The True Devotion Trilogy I

To you, Dear Atheist In 1980, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira wrote three articles explaining the timeliness of Saint Louis de Montfort’s “slavery of love” to Jesus Christ through Mary. Indeed, nothing could be so contrary to the spirit of our age, and yet, nothing can truly provide such a complete solution. … Read more

The True Devotion Trilogy II

The True Devotion Trilogy II

Service, a Joy Imagine then that to your spirit – bruised by life, calloused or even wounded, hot with fever – one of those figures appears about which your childhood innocence, dead now for many years, used to dream. A queen, all majestic and smiling, leads you by the hand into the … Read more

The True Devotion Trilogy III

The True Devotion Trilogy III

Obey in Order to be Free No, dear atheist. Giving a distant echo to the words of the Bishop Saint Remigius upon baptizing Clovis, the first Christian King of the Franks, I say to you: “Burn what you have adored and adore what you have burned.” Yes, burn egoism, doubt, apathy, and, … Read more

On Pilgrimage Within a Gaze

On Pilgrimage Within a Gaze 1

A commentary on the miraculous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima I do not know a countenance equal to this one. Moved by an inveterate habit of observing everything, I contemplate it so that I may later understand it. As I fix my eyes upon that countenance, I suddenly … Read more

The Siege of Czestochowa

The Siege of Czestochowa 1

Preliminary Note: The account of the siege of Czestochowa which we present here is based on the Memoirs of the Siege of Czestochowa by Father Augustine Kordecki (Pamietnik oblezenia Czestochowy, edited and with a preface by Jan Tokarski, London, Veritas, 1956.) Written by Friar Kordecki in response to a wish of King … Read more