A Tribute to Nellie Gray

A Tribute to Nellie Gray
With great sorrow, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins with countless other pro-life Americans in lamenting the death of Nellie Gray, 88, founder and chief organizer of the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Year after year, this intrepid defender of the unborn has led ever-increasing crowds on the annual march. The event has served to unify and energize the pro-life movement. Miss Gray’s unwavering enthusiasm and dedication made the march a powerful statement against abortion and the culture of death.

Miss Gray was born and raised in Big Springs, Texas. During World War II, she joined the Women’s Army Corp and served in Europe. She later earned a law degree from Georgetown University. When abortion was legalized in 1973, she turned her back upon her law career and joined the struggle against abortion.

The march grew from small gatherings in the early years to huge crowds of over 300,000 that are now marching. Nellie Gray was known for her steadfast position that every unborn child deserved protection and coined the phrase “no exceptions, no compromise” to convey her certainty that life begins at conception and abortion should be illegal. She founded the nonprofit March for Life Education and Defense Fund where she served as president until her death.

She will be missed by all. The coming year will mark the 40th March for Life. Pro-life leaders nationwide are calling for a record turnout for the 2013 march as a fitting tribute to Miss Nellie Gray.

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