It is not every day that concerned Catholics can get together and discuss the crisis facing the Church and society. However, Tradition, Family and Property — Louisiana managed to put together a full day of talks and Catholic conviviality at its annual regional conference held in Lafayette, Louisiana on February 11. The topics were varied and well received by the over fifty TFP friends and supporters who came from all over the state as well as from Texas.
The event was held at the TFP–Louisiana’s headquarters in Lafayette on a brisk Saturday afternoon. The spacious grounds and the main building provided an ideal atmosphere for plenty of good conversation and refreshments.

All the talks centered on the need for Catholics to unite and fight against the cultural assault upon what remains of Christian civilization. TFP Vice President John Horvat gave the talk, “The Fight for Tradition, Family and Property: Where Do We Go From Here?” He defined the fight by contrasting the individualist mentality that destroys tradition, family and property with the Catholic mentality that promotes these three values. Mr. Michael Drake took a more philosophical approach by showing how true happiness can be found in the Counter-revolutionary struggle.
Speaking about Counter-revolutionary activism, TFP–Louisiana member Cesar Franco gave a report on the TFP activities in 2011 especially highlighting action in defense of the Personhood Amendment in Mississippi. TFP Speaker Byron Whitcraft issued a call to action in face of the rash of what he called blasphemy terrorism. In addition to blasphemous movies, plays and “art,” Mr. Whitcraft also listed the horrific defacing and smashing of Catholic statues and other sacrileges that is becoming increasingly more frequent.

The afternoon ended with wine and cheese — and much conversation. Dr. Thomas Schneider gave a small impromptu talk with slides on his recent trip to Quito Ecuador to visit Our Lady of Good Success. As evening approached, all left recharged and inspired to defend the Church and Christian civilization.
For information about attending a regional conference in your area, please
call (888) 317-5571.