Great Success of the Conference ‘Amazon: the Stakes,’ Organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute

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Great Success of the Conference ‘Amazon: the Stakes,’ Organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute
Great Success of the Conference ‘Amazon: the Stakes,’ Organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute

Over two hundred people attended the international conference “Amazon: the Stakes,” organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute (IPCO) at the Hotel Quirinale in Rome on Saturday, October 5.

The event, followed with great attention and interest, was held under the watchful eye of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, whose image reminded everyone that the Mother of God appeared precisely in Mexico to the Indian Juan Diego to confirm how right the conquest and evangelization of the New World by the Spaniards and Portuguese had been.

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The Brazilian delegation spoke at the morning session, attended by Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza, descendant of the last emperor of Brazil, spoke first. The prince stressed that the great wealth of the country (traditionally called the “Land of the Holy Cross”) lies in the civilization born from the work of missionaries, who managed to create true, varied and harmonious integration between peoples and social classes. A civilization totally devoid of the mentality of class struggle despite the enormous efforts of the left — Catholic and otherwise — to promote it.

Indian indigenous leader Jonas Marcolino Macuxì

There followed a calm but very convincing speech of the Indian indigenous leader Jonas Marcolino Macuxì, a lawyer, professor of mathematics, and well-known advocate of integrating the natives into Brazilian society and its productive systems. The speech aroused great interest. Citing the prophetic book written by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira back in 1977, Indian Tribalism: The Communist-Missionary Ideal for Brazil in the Twenty-First Century, he denounced the work of new Catholic missionaries to keep native peoples in a state of backwardness and ‘ghettoization.’

The next speaker, Professor Luiz Carlos Molion, of the University of Alagoas, is one of the world’s leading climatologists and scholars on the influence of the Amazon biome on continental and global climate. With great clarity, he completely debunked the thesis that the Amazon is the lung of the world, and that deforestation would lead to a sort of climatic apocalypse — the thesis propagated by big media, many NGOs, and unfortunately, by many in the Catholic ecclesiastical hierarchy.

James Bascom, of the American TFP Washington Bureau, closed the morning session. He showed that today’s environmentalism is nothing but a new mask that Marxism wears to carry out its revolutionary agenda.

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Lectures in the afternoon session, attended by Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, dealt more specifically with theological issues addressed by the Pan Amazon Synod.

Professor Stefano Fontana, director of the Cardinal Van Thuân Observatory, brilliantly demonstrated that neither Indigenous Theology nor Liberation Theology – at the root of the Synod’s preparatory documents – are Latin American inventions but rather the result of immanentist philosophy and theology. Starting from Hegel, immanentism gradually penetrated the European Catholic Church, and particularly in the German Church.

Professor Roberto de Mattei, president of the Lepanto Foundation, noted the radical difference between the spirit that animates the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris and the one that inspired Catholic missions in the Americas.

José Antonio Ureta, of the IPCO, expounded on all points of the Instrumentum Laboris and Lineamenta for the Synod that clearly clash with the two-thousand-year teachings of the Church. He invited the audience to offer legitimate resistance if those documents’ guidelines are imposed on the pastoral policy to be implemented throughout the Catholic world.

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The journey’s last event was a video showing the IPCO caravan that traveled 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) in the Amazon with young IPCO volunteers collecting signatures asking the Pope and Synod Fathers to prevent the Amazon from remaining in a state of backwardness and not to propose an politicized tribal model as a solution to the problems besetting the contemporary world.

Cardinal Brandmüller closed the conference by leading the Angelus, followed by the singing of a Salve Regina by all participants, asking Our Lady of Guadalupe to intervene providentially to prevent the evils the Synod may cause to the Church, to civilization, and to the Amazon itself.

The full version of the speeches will soon appear on the Pan-Amazon Synod Watch:


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