Catholic College Helps Planned Parenthood

Should Catholic universities aid Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups?  The answer is obviously NO.  However, Seattle University – a Catholic institution – offers students the option of interning for Planned Parenthood of Western Washington on its web site. This shocking scandal must be opposed! Unfortunately it gets worse.  The Women Studies … Read more

Louisiana Regional Conference Great Success

Louisiana Regional Conference Great Success 2

Tradition, Family and Property – Louisiana hosted its annual regional one-day conference at its headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana on February 19. The topics were varied and well received by the nearly seventy TFP friends and supporters who came from all over the state as well as from Texas. The atmosphere could not … Read more

Prince Bertrand Speaks on Our Lady in St. Louis

Prince Bertrand Speaks on Our Lady in St. Louis 3

Why does Our Lady weep? This was the timely theme of a talk given by Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza to a large crowd of Marian devotees. On January 14-16, Prince Bertrand visited the city of St. Louis, Mo., named after his ancestor, to deliver the keynote speech at the Twelfth Annual Marian … Read more