This Is America’s New Face of Brutal Rage and Chaos

This Is America’s New Face of Brutal Rage and Chaos

In the year 49 B.C., Julius Caesar moved his forces into Italy over a small insignificant stream called the Rubicon. In so doing, he violated the law that forbade generals to move troops out of their assigned provinces. Caesar realized the seriousness of his decision by declaring “The die is cast!” The … Read more

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage?

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage? 3

So many of the moral issues that polarize the nation are now having legal consequences. Liberal activists insist upon forcing acceptance down the throats of countless Americans who disagree. The violence of this forced acceptance is something unseen in American history. Photographers, florists, bed & breakfast owners, and bakers who refused to … Read more

Rosary Rallies “Occupy” 7,500 Public Squares – and Go Unreported

Rosary Rallies “Occupy” 7,500 Public Squares – and Go Unreported 2

""""[vc_column_text]As many as 200,000 Americans took to the streets on October 15 and “occupied” thousands of public squares nationwide to voice their concerns about the nation’s future. Such an outpouring of public sentiment should have been enough to attract the attention of any decent media. However, that was not the case. These … Read more