Clothing, Mirror of an Epoch

Clothing, Mirror of an Epoch 1

This article was written in 1952 at a time when fashions were changing to casual workplace styles. Since then, many companies have reversed their casual dress code perhaps realizing that dress definitely effects work. Some schools have done likewise. From a material point of view, clothing serves only as a covering. At … Read more

Pagan Manliness and False Christian Patience

Pagan Manliness and False Christian Patience 3

If we compare the features of this third-century Roman, represented in a splendid sculpture from the Capitoline Palace, with those of the famous Apollo Belvedere, its irregularities become evident. In this sense, we could not exactly call this man handsome. Nonetheless, no one can deny that his countenance possesses a certain element … Read more

Defying the Law of Gravity

Defying the Law of Gravity

Recollection, silence, and isolation have always been distinctive characteristics of the Carthusian Order, founded by Saint Bruno in the eleventh century. A modern man would view the Carthusians as antiquated souls, lacking impulse, vitality, or any other type of dynamism. Nevertheless, two splendid accomplishments of these religious, strongly contrasting yet harmonious, belie … Read more

Tradition, Family, and Property

Tradition, Family, and Property

Once upon a time, there was a young man torn by a critical conflict of affections. He loved his charming spouse with all his soul. Yet at the same time, he had profound affection and respect for his mother. However, relations between mother in-law and daughter in-law were tense. The enchanting but … Read more

The Return Flight with Gogo

The Return Flight with Gogo

The airplane pierced the ugly clouds that obscured the sky of Guanabara on this damp, winter evening. Somewhat tired from the affairs of the day, I prepared to nap in the tepid warmth of the airplane until our arrival in Congonhas. To my side, a happily unoccupied seat provided the most delightful … Read more

On the Airplane with Gogo

On the Airplane with Gogo

I boarded the airplane for Rio and took my seat. As the plane ascended, I picked up a newspaper to pass the time, but it was uninteresting. For lack of anything better, I turned to look at the passenger at my side, who was a somewhat uncommon type of man. His long … Read more

An Oasis in the Sahara

An Oasis in the Sahara

Editor’s Note: Taiwan is constantly pressured to yield to Communist China. Today, this is most evident in the economic sphere. Therefore, it is fitting to recall the words of the Taiwanese bishops in 1979. These words ring prophetic as to the intrinsic evil of all communist regimes. We are reprinting Prof. Plinio … Read more

Right? Or Left?

Commentary on the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin 7

The words “right” and “left” are currently used to classify positions taken on the greatest variety of themes. The most common use relates to matters of a political, social or economic nature. However, these words may also apply to ways of feeling or being, literature, the arts and the like. In fact, … Read more