Boston has a reputation for being an extremely liberal city. Thus, any time conservative activists proclaim moral values in the city’s public squares, everyone notices, especially the liberals.
The outcome was no different when the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined the nearly 500 men who participated in the Men’s March to Abolish Abortion on November 16. The march started in front of Boston’s largest abortion clinic on Commonwealth Ave, proceeded straight through the downtown area, and ended in the Common.
It was easy to ignore the few pro-abortion hecklers who jeered at the pro-life men in the beginning. However, the counter-protest soon took on a more sinister and bizarre twist.
Hordes of Pro-Abortion Clowns
Generally, those who want to be taken seriously would avoid appearing as clowns. However, the radical malcontents in Boston did not get the memo. Donning full-face paint, outlandish garb, and bright red ball noses, pro-abortion activists soon converged upon the Men’s March for Life and started blasting away on out of tune tubas, trombones, and kazoos.
Such noise proved no competition for the magnificent and graceful bagpipes played by American TFP volunteers, which echoed through the streets. The clowns were soon enraged by their failure.
While the clownish garb is ridiculous and childish, it represented well the ideology and immoral agenda that promotes the killing of millions of innocent babies. Beneath the infantile façade lay a dark and deep hatred.
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Antifa Blockade
Halfway through the march, a large crowd of masked Antifa agitators stood in the middle of the road, arms locked together, obstructing the marchers. Their action brought the march to a halt for almost an hour. Police at once formed a line to keep the agitators at bay. At one point, so many Antifa and pro-abortion activists appeared that the Men’s March was almost completely surrounded. This meager attempt of intimidation did little to deter the pro-lifers and only served as encouragement to persevere and continue marching.
Many pro-abortion signs were vile, ugly and blasphemous, exhibiting a seething hatred for God and His eternal law.
Due to the size of the opposing crowd, emergency police units arrived to create an even stronger buffer. Eventually, the police issued a warning to all those who were impeding the march, announcing that they could be arrested for unlawful assembly.
No one moved.
Pro-abortion advocates continued to form a human wall in the middle of the street to block the march.
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Time to Move Forward
Finally, the police formed in front of the Men’s March with their bicycles and batons. They began to inch forward against the resisting pro-abortion rabble to clear a path forward, but not without resistance. Clashes and scuffles between the pro-abortion advocates and police ensued, resulting in some being detained and arrested.
Eventually, the police cleared a pathway, and escorted the march all the way to the designated endpoint in the Common where metal police barricades sectioned off the rally. Once there, Antifa agitators gathered to heckle and scream at the marchers, while beating and rattling the metal barricades.
What Really Scares the Pro-Abortion Agitators
The pro-abortion advocates tried to frighten and intimidate the pro-lifers. However, they are the ones who are truly scared. They are terrified at the sight of men who defend human life.
They are intimidated by the resolve of the heroic pro-life movement that continues to forge ahead, unwilling to stop until procured abortion is abolished and unthinkable.
No matter how liberal a city is, or how vocal the pro-abortion agitators may be, the pro-life movement must continue the fight trusting in the help of God and the Blessed Mother.