In light of the ongoing recent rioting and unrest all across Colombia, Eugenio Trujillo Villegas of the TFP-sister organization Sociedad Colombiana Tradición y Acción presents the considerations below.
Throughout the month of May, Colombia remains paralyzed due to the action of urban terrorists who falsely claim the “right to peaceful protest.” The present unrest follows a strategic Marxist plan conceived 20 years ago at Brazil’s São Paulo Forum. It is orchestrated from Cuba and Venezuela.
The Marxist guerilla group, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC, and the National Liberation Army (ELN) are executing this plan with the support of other subversive groups operating in the country. FARC money finances this plan. It can count on the profits from a 494,000 acre coca-producing area protected by the 2016 Peace Accords. A Constitutional Court ruling forbids aerial spraying of the area with the coca-killing glyphosate.
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What triggered the recent protest was the Tax Reform bill the government introduced in Congress. When the left, center and right protested, the government immediately withdrew this untimely and stupid initiative, which failed to address the true causes of the economic crisis aggravated by the pandemic. These real causes are the gigantic size of the State, excessive spending and rampant corruption.
As usual, leftist terrorists are riding the wave of legitimate protests to paralyze major cities, destroy mass transit systems, block roads and towns and set warehouses and public buildings ablaze. With the ongoing and severe disturbances, they have caused the country’s supply chains to collapse. Thus, food, medicine, fuel, and merchandise are running out. Colombia is plunged into chaos.
A Coup d’Etat Is Taking Place In Colombia
A great question arises: Who is directing, organizing and financing this literal coup d’état? The government knows the answer perfectly well but says nothing. The people also know but do not act accordingly.
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During the 2018 presidential campaign, then-candidate Iván Duque promised to dismantle the Peace Agreement with the FARC and won the election with 10.5 million votes. That Agreement, rejected in a 2016 ballot referendum but later imposed, is now serving as an instruction manual for this ongoing demolition. The wishes of those millions who elected President Duque go unheeded. Instead, the few hooded terrorists destroying Colombia are present with their deranged demands.
The transformations established by the Peace Agreement are turning Colombia into a socialist state. The Agreement enshrines absolute immunity for crimes committed by Marxist subversives in the past, present and future. It reserves ten seats for them in Congress. It establishes a government system run by “dialogue committees” directed and organized by FARC. The government has just convened such committees in all of the country’s cities. The document forbids the government to destroy the enormous FARC-owned coca crops or oppose terrorist acts with the legitimate force of the State. It requires State security organizations to protect subversive leaders. The government must consult a FARC-appointed committee about its programs. Some 25 million acres of private land will be subject to a socialist and confiscatory land reform program. This program will ruin Colombian agriculture and cost taxpayers at least $40 billion, thus increasing their tax burden.
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What do the hooded terrorists destroying Colombia know about the country’s development? Absolutely nothing! They disregard the business sector that takes decades of hard work to build. They fail to realize that this sector generates almost all employment. When the needs of the population are met, and wealth is created, the State can levy reasonable taxes to further the common good. In this way, there is true well-being for everyone.
Colombia’s Business Sector Supported the Peace Process’s Debacle
Despite the business sector’s extraordinary capacity to generate wealth, employment and development, its members failed to realize how the negotiations with the Marxist subversives jeopardized Colombia’s future. In 2012, when the Santos Peace Process began, most businessmen frantically applauded the move on the pretext they wanted peace.
Despite being told in every possible way that this Agreement would destroy Colombia, they said that they supported it unconditionally and were willing to “swallow a few toads” to secure peace. That is what they did. The process has now advanced to the point that the subversives are seeking to overthrow the government and impose a Chavista-style dictatorship upon the nation. They will then take away all freedoms and usher in socialist misery. Colombia needs to be “mugged by reality.” It must now wake up from its lethargy.
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Tradicion y Accion has foreseen and widely denounced all these maneuvers in national and international forums since 2012. We published numerous statements analyzing events in domestic and foreign newspapers. We denounced to the world the betrayal being prepared by then-President Juan Manuel Santos and his accord with the FARC guerrillas.
However, there is no worse blind man than he who does not want to see, nor worse deaf man than he who does not want to hear. We are now witnessing the dire consequences of this Agreement. No one can claim ignorance of what will eventually happen. These days of chaos and barbarism have shown us the future, announcing what will happen if we allow Marxist socialism to take over our country. The message could not be clearer.
The Disinformation War
This unrest also counts on an orchestrated media war of disinformation and lies. Reporters accuse law enforcement of savagely repressing protesters and invent non-existent murders. They claim that “oligarchs” are firing rifles from buildings at indigenous people and protesters. These lies and other rumors circulated everywhere. Even the Swedish activist and poster child of climate change, Greta Thunberg, accuses the Army of human rights abuses. In the meantime, the urban terrorists are destroying many Colombian cities and kidnapping citizens.
The final consequence of this plan is to demolish what remains of Christian civilization and implant a so-called New World Order, which is nothing other than the devil’s government. Its advocates dream of a fantasy world without religion, family, property or moral values. They imagine free abortion. Parents will be unable to raise their children in the Christian religion. Everyone will be forced to accept the LGBTQ agenda. Whoever resists or invokes God or the Blessed Mother face sanctions and even prison.
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However, when all is not lost, nothing is lost. Colombia must stand up and demand that the President and its regional leaders firmly exercise their legitimate authority to control the situation. Any dialogue with hooded terrorists is the beginning of surrender. This is all the more so in the face of feckless ministers and officials who tremble in fear when confronting the latter. The enemies of Colombia want the State to collapse and do not hesitate to use arms to achieve this purpose. We, who elected President Duque to defend the nation valiantly in all emergencies during his mandate, must now demand that he act in these dire times. Let him listen to us rather than sacrifice us as victims on the altar of surrender.
Colombia trusts in the supernatural protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Whom the nation has been officially consecrated since 1902. This solemn devotion continues to this day and is desired by most of the population. The objections of the Constitutional Court and the ‘Judiciary Cartel’ against this sacred alliance do not represent the Catholic people of Colombia. Thus, we implore our Patroness, Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, to protect, strengthen and grant us discernment to face this terrible crisis.
Either we defend our country from this terrorist offensive, or we will soon see millions of Colombians walking along the roads of South America with a backpack with all their possessions, begging for food and water like Venezuelans. Let not Colombia share Venezuela’s plight!