Circulation of Return to Order Book on Organic Christian Society Expected to Hit 250,000 Copies by Summer

Circulation of Return to Order Book on Organic Christian Society Expected to Hit 250,000 Copies by Summer

Robert Ritchie
(717) 309-1990
[email protected]



Circulation of Return to Order Book on Organic Christian Society Expected to Hit 250,000 Copies by Summer

HANOVER, Penn. (June 27, 2016) – Author John Horvat II’s book Return to Order which offers organic Christian principles as the solution to America’s decline, has just hit 235,000 copies in circulation and is expected to hit the 250,000 mark by July 31.

A new printing of 30,000 copies of a softcover edition in an easy-to-read magazine-style format has just started to hit the shelves. Plus, the book will be inserted and sent in audio-CD format to 135,000 subscribers of Crusade Magazine in July. This means well over a quarter of a million copies of the book will soon be circulating all over the nation. This is a major achievement for a non-fiction book in the United States and it demonstrates an increased interest in America’s Christian Future. Return to Order has received dozens of endorsements from leading academic, political, military and religious leaders.

“I’m thrilled by the new softcover format of Return to Order,” says author John Horvat II. “It makes it easier to carry around and spread. This conveniently gets the book into the hands of people who need a book to read on the go.”

To get your free copy online or for more information on Return to Order, go to To request a speaking engagement or an interview with Author John Horvat II, please call 717-309-7147 or send an email to [email protected].

“The confusion of the present election cycle has attracted readers to Return to Order,” says author John Horvat II. “People are disoriented and are searching for insights to help them understand better where we went wrong and where we need to go. The idea of an organic Christian America is gaining traction.”

Return to Order is the fruit of over twenty years of research and observation. Horvat draws from abundant sources to craft a work that seamlessly makes the connections between the economy, faith and moral values. He shows how society’s obsession for a frenzied, materialistic culture is causing social and psychological emptiness and economic ruin.

Several eminent Americans think Horvat’s book is at the center of the national debate about our future.

For example, Lt. Gen. Benjamin R. Mixon, USA, Ret., Former Commanding General, United States Army Pacific, said about the book:

This is a timely and important book as our nation faces one of the most critical challenges in its history. Overcoming the economic disaster America is facing cannot be solved simply through economic policy. Americans and their leaders must put in place policy that will restore values, work ethics, and, as the author points out so well, honor…. Restoring honor to our economic landscape will put the nation on the path to recovery.

Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III claims Return to Order “sets forth valuable recommendations for restoring our society to its foundation of ordered liberty and traditional values.”

The highly lauded book now has gone through five printings and remains a popular e-book selection, reaching Bookbub ratings in the overall top ten offers. It has also earned nine awards and numerous endorsements.

The new audio-book CD format of Return to Order joins the Audible edition that has been available for download online. The Return to Order campaign was pleased to work with Crusade Magazine to make it available to its 135,000 readers. The July-August issue of Crusade will be a special issue about the book with the CD inserted in the magazine.

“Getting 135,000 copies of the book to these qualified readers is a tremendous development,” Mr. Horvat commented. “At this critical time in our history, I thank the editors of Crusade for promoting the ideas of an organic Christian America to such a large and select audience.”

John Horvat, who is also vice president of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), spreads his message in 2016 by speaking to groups across the country. He has given presentations in more than 80 cities in America, Europe and South America. He has given over 350 media interviews since Return to Order was first released in 2013. Horvat has also published hundreds of articles that have appeared worldwide, including in The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Post, The Washington Times, Crisis Magazine, C-SPAN, American Thinker, and

The book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go is available for free at

For more information or to request a speaking engagement or an interview with John Horvat, please call 717-309-7147 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

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