Following the finale of its wildly popular series “Game of Thrones,” HBO network mesmerized viewers with its miniseries, “Chernobyl.” The series is a dramatization of the eponymous nuclear disaster of 1986 that took place in the city of Chernobyl, now in Ukraine. It is considered the worst nuclear accident in history. The series also chronicles the Soviet government’s secrecy and mismanagement of the situation. The disaster profoundly marked the public consciousness to the point that whole genres of fiction have spawned around it.
Dramatizations like Chernobyl should help governments understand how not to deal with a nuclear accident. However, widespread scrutiny of the then-Soviet government’s bungling of the situation has been to no avail. It seems that not much has changed with the modus operandi of the present Moscow regime.
A recent weapons test in northwest Russia seems to have exploded. There are seven confirmed deaths and many injured. Moreover, a significant radiation spike has caused the military to place its Archangel naval base—the reported site of the explosion—on emergency lockdown.
Instead of acknowledging the problem, officials from the Russian Ministry of Defense have denied any claims of a radiation leak. Nevertheless, local city officials in nearby Severdovinsk recorded evidence of a leak and allegedly alerted locals to take precautions.
Many believe the testing of clandestine nuclear weapons caused the explosion.
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This episode is not the first time that such an event has taken place since the fall of the U.S.S.R. According to many European scientists, there was a 2017 radiation leak that released across Europe “100 times the amount of radiation [than] the [2011] Fukushima disaster.” It was tied to Russian sources.
In both cases, the statements of the Russian government were mired in secrecy and contradicted the reported facts. For this reason, many experts strongly question what comes from Kremlin sources.
One such person is Dr. Mark Galeotti, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of International Affairs in Prague. He writes that “The official response from the Defense Ministry has been ‘nothing to see here, no spike in radiation, no leak in radiation.’ All we seem to know is the number of dead and injured, and that it was a rocket test… Despite what the Kremlin has said, there must have been some sort of radiation leak…It is clearly a bigger issue than they are letting on.”
He also added that “We know the Russian authorities have a tendency to lie in a crisis situation.”
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Given the clear pattern of misleading the West, one wonders why rightwing elements in the United States and Europe are so quick to throw themselves at the feet of the Russian bear. Incidents like this most recent radiation leak have proven that Russia has failed to take responsibility for actions that have endangered the health and safety of Europeans. Moreover, the nuclear weapons under development will likely be used against American and European interests.
The Blessed Virgin Mary warned the world in 1917 at Fatima that Russia would spread her errors throughout the world. Despite the fall of the Soviet Union, it seems not much has changed in the East. Until there is a legitimate conversion, Russia should be viewed with extreme skepticism and certainly not be the object of restorationist fantasies.