St. Jude Children’s Hospital Corrupts Children with LGBT Agenda

St. Jude Children’s Hospital Corrupts Children with LGBT Agenda

Everyone knows of St. Jude Children’s Hospital as a noble establishment to help children with cancer.

Unfortunately, they are now indoctrinating children by exposing them to the homosexual agenda.

Sign Today! Tell St. Jude Hospital to Stop Promoting Sin

St. Jude Hospital now hosts homosexual pride events and even has children marching in the pride parades.

At the Memphis Pride parade, St. Jude Hospital had a large contingent of over one hundred participants. Their banner said: “St. Jude supports PRIDE”.  Young children were waving rainbow flags.

The St. Jude Pride Employee Support Group’s mission statement states: “People Respecting Individuality Diversity and Equity: To serve, educate and support the St. Jude LGBTQ+ community…”

Demand that St. Jude Hospital Stop Promoting the Homosexual Agenda!

St. Jude Hospital must have forgotten Our Lord’s words: “And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

While St. Jude seeks to heal children with cancer, they are misleading them into error by teaching them that the sin of homosexuality is acceptable.

Please Sign This Petition Today to Demand that St. Jude Hospital Stop Confusing Children

An excellent report of this scandalous event was written by Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute and you can read it here.

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To: James R. Downing, CEO of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,

Your open support for the sin of homosexuality contradicts your mission to help children.

When young children have the great misfortune of going through cancer, the last thing they need is to be indoctrinated with this vice.

I demand that you stop promoting the LGBT agenda and apologize.
