The 2022 Year in Review: A Civil War in the Catholic Church and a Shooting War in Europe Reveal an Unprecedented Ideological Confrontation

The 2022 Year in Review: A Civil War in the Catholic Church and a Shooting War in Europe Reveal an Unprecedented Ideological Confrontation

The Cold War earned its name because the superpowers, apart from a few proxy wars around the world, never began a direct conflict with each other. But at the time, the ideological confrontation between communism and anti-communism seemed certain to lead to war in Europe, as it did in Korea, Vietnam, and … Read more

The Last Christmas Card

The Last Christmas Card 1

Every year, numerous people who usually sent Prof. Plinio a Christmas card had a hopeful expectation. It was to receive sometime later, a reply with another card containing a Christmas message signed by him, filling their souls with joy and hope. On Christmas 1994, the last one the distinguished Catholic leader celebrated … Read more

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs 1

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs The July 14, 2015 Vienna accord over Iran’s development and use of nuclear energy and the lifting of sanctions inevitably brings to mind the “Munich Agreement” made by the governments of Britain and France with Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler on September 30, 1938. … Read more

What Our Lady Said at Fatima on August 19, 1917

Why the Fatima Centennial Is So Important 5

  The Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima The Fourth Apparition — August 19, 1917 On August 13, the day the fourth apparition was to take place, the seers could not go to Cova da Iria, as they had been abducted by the mayor of Vila Nova de Ourém, who wanted to … Read more

Keeping the Covenant: Moral America Throngs to Washington

Keeping the Covenant: Moral America Throngs to Washington

The first thing that hits you at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. is a veritable sea of people that just keeps arriving on the scene. You see busload after busload offloading and streaming into the massive crowds that fill the Mall, the streets and the sidewalks. Americans of every age … Read more

Recalling French Self-Managing Socialism 25 Years Later

Recalling French Self-Managing Socialism 25 Years Later 1

Twenty-five years ago, socialists the world over were talking about a new kind of socialism that they hoped would sweep the world. Buoyed by the 1981 presidential victory of France’s Francois Mitterrand, Socialists everywhere were electrified by a new buzzword: self-management. With this new word in its arsenal, the left thought it … Read more