Will the West Let Itself be Squeezed Between Russia and China?

Will the West Let Itself be Squeezed Between Russia and China?

Entering a new year, many news commentators customarily do a retrospective analysis of the past year as a means for proposing possible scenarios for the upcoming one. This is an increasingly difficult task as events become more chaotic and unpredictable. Today, we cannot speak of political processes with an internal logic that … Read more

Rethinking China

Rethinking China - A Prophetic Voice and the Predictions That Foresaw Where We Are Today

“We will be forced to review our relationship.” Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed this intimidating statement to Donald Trump, who called COVID-19 the “Chinese virus.” The President of the United States, leader of the greatest economic and military power in history, felt the need to surrender and stop using the “Chinese” adjective. … Read more

Why the West Is in Crisis and What Can Be Done

Why the West Is in Crisis and What Can Be Done

“Modern history,” Lord Acton once said, “tells how the last four hundred years have modified the medieval conditions of life and thought.” His sweeping generalization describes the modern-day plight of making sense out of the mess that separates us from Christendom. I can think of no better way out of this mess … Read more

Why We Must Resist Islam

Why We Must Resist Islam

Islam and the Suicide of the West: The Origin, Doctrine, and Goals of Islam, Luiz Sérgio Solimeo   Every year, the nation remembers the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11. This event is carved deeply into the American psyche. Yet in these commemorations, the media give us terribly … Read more

Must Europe’s Students Submit to the Demands of Islam?

Must Europe’s Students Submit to the Demands of Islam? 2

The town of Houghton-le-Spring in England is hardly the sort of place that you would expect to find an uproar over schools and religion. Mark McLachlan’s twelve-year-old step-daughter goes to the Kepier School in Houghton-le-Spring. Mr. McLachlan was looking through his stepdaughter’s school planner when he noticed an assignment that angered him. He … Read more

Honoring Those who Built Berlin’s Tunnels to Freedom

Honoring Those who Built Berlin’s Tunnels to Freedom 2

  Review of, The Tunnels: Escapes Under the Berlin Wall and the Historic Films the JFK White House Tried to Kill (New York: Crown Publishing, 2016) by Greg Mitchell   The book, The Tunnels by Greg Mitchell tells an incredible Cold War story about the determination and courage of people oppressed under … Read more

How the West Became A Shepherdess of Wolves

How the West Became A Shepherdess of Wolves

Once upon a time, there was a shepherdess who was charged with keeping her sheep in the pasture and away from the clutch of the terrible wolves. Over the years, the shepherdess worked long and hard at this duty. Despite all her efforts, some sheep occasionally fell victim to the wolves. One … Read more

Why the Totalitarian Temptation Lives On After the Berlin Wall

Why the Totalitarian Temptation Lives On After the Berlin Wall 1

“Happy the man that understands the causes of things,” wrote Virgil. Polish philosopher Ryszard Legutko, who is also a Member of the European Parliament, is one of those deep thinkers who likes to get to the root of matters. He is not content with superficial observations or political platitudes. In his new … Read more

Return to Order: West Coast Signings

Return to Order: West Coast Signings 3

The book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go, was the central theme of conferences in Los Angeles and Sacramento on March 9-10. The book launching coincided with regional conferences held every year by The … Read more