TFP Statement on the Innocent Paying for the Guilty Left Unanswered

Is it Fair that the Innocent Pay for the Guilty?

Sometimes the best indication of the efficacy of one’s work is the testimony of the opposition. One such incident recently happened during a session of the Delaware Senate. During these five years of intensive media reporting on the scandals inside the Church, some states have extended their criminal and civil statutes of … Read more

A Call to Defend the Church

A Call to Defend the Church 3

In Cincinnati… Among the states trying to lift retroactively the statutes of limitations on sexual abuse, Ohio is well advanced. Bill SB 17 passed the Senate and is presently in the Judiciary House Committee, it could come to a vote soon. Many Catholics are unaware of the bill and its implications for … Read more

The Innocent Suffer and the Guilty Go Free?

The Innocent Suffer and the Guilty Go Free?

The Innocent Suffer and the Guilty Go Free? In state legislatures across the nation, a mania is spreading to introduce bills to lift or extend retroactively statutes of limitations related to sexual abuse. The bills will permit thousands of civil tort lawsuits to be brought not against offending priests, religious or bishops … Read more