“Why Me?”

“Why Me?” 1

Magnificent medieval stained glass windows have sometimes been referred to as a “catechism in glass” because of the richness of the faith which their imagery conveyed. We could say the statues of this time period aptly captured the virtues of the holy personages. When done well they are, in their turn, truly … Read more

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street 2

Soon after entering the protest perimeter at Zuccotti Park a piece of communist propaganda was thrust into my hand. The flier starts: “It’s not just Wall Street… capitalism must be destroyed.” As I continued reading, other lines jumped off the page: “Only communism can live up to the aspirations the Occupy Wall … Read more

7,515 Rosary Rallies Worldwide on October 15

As the world situation becomes increasingly threatening, the idea of holding a Rosary in a public place has become more popular. As human efforts fail to solve our growing economic, social, moral and spiritual troubles, more people are turning to the supernatural solutions: The Fatima message of prayer and penance, and the … Read more

Tragedy, Prophecy and Divine Providence – IVb

Tragedy, Prophecy and Divine Providence - IVb 2

The destruction of a large part of the Assyrian army by God before Jerusalem in 701 B.C. only provided a brief respite for the incorrigible city. It refused to take advantage of God’s mercy and continued in its sinful ways with the predictable results. By the final years of the seventh century, … Read more

Painting of Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres Found

Painting of Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres Found 1

During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, a Spanish nun lived and prayed in Quito, Ecuador. Her name was Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres y Berriochoa, a nun of the Conceptionist Order. Our Lady appeared to her asking that a statue be made under the title of Our Lady of Good Success. Her … Read more

Our Lady Offers Good Success in Quito

Our Lady Offers Good Success in Quito 10

When some people visit a place, they see all the important buildings, monuments and restaurants and then feel they know the area and its people. Something different happened to me. By happy chance, I recently visited Quito, Ecuador and instead of a whirlwind tour of all the sights, I spent most of … Read more

Is the Media Blind to Huge Traditional Marriage Rallies?

Is the Media Blind to Huge Traditional Marriage Rallies? 4

Thousands gathered on the east steps of the New York State Capitol building in Albany on Tuesday morning to defend the traditional marriage and oppose measures seeking to legalize same-sex “marriage” in the Empire State.The “Stand for Marriage” rally, organized by New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, attracted throngs of New Yorkers who, … Read more