Pope Francis: A Paradigm Shift in the Church’s Position on Homosexual Sin?

Pope Francis: A Paradigm Shift in the Church’s Position on Homosexual Sin? 1

The Holy See’s Shocking Silence as Scandalous Statement Attributed to Pope Francis Everyone still remembers the statement by Pietro Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, in January of this year that the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia represents “a paradigm shift,” a “new approach” to “remarried” divorcees and the Holy Eucharist. This … Read more

Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where Controversial Jesuit Speaks

Catholics Pray Outside Cathedral Where Controversial Jesuit Speaks 1

Nearly 200 Catholics prayed across from Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago on March 22, where Father James Martin, S.J. gave a Lenten talk. The invitation to speak caused an uproar since the outspoken Jesuit priest is an open and active promoter of pro-homosexual issues. He has been banned from speaking at several Catholic venues. … Read more

LGBT Activists Disrupt Protest Against Homo-erotic Advertisements

LGBT Activists Disrupt Protest Against Homo-erotic Advertisements 2

On March 11, the Dutch organization, Stichting Civitas Christiana, held a street campaign in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, directed against the sexually explicit advertising posters of clothing manufacturer Suitsupply. The demonstration immediately sparked a counter-protest by LGBT activists, who reacted with violence, insults and threats. The protest all happened under the watchful eyes … Read more

When Will the Shooting Stop?

When Will the Shooting Stop?

The gun control debate has reignited with the recent Florida shooting. Despite the passionate commentaries on all sides, no one seems to be able to answer the question of when the shootings will stop. As much as liberal media want to blame guns, police or government, this is a moral problem. It … Read more

Cardinal Cupich’s Modernist Concepts

Cardinal Cupich’s Modernist Concepts

Reading Church documents written in progressive jargon requires a lot of attention, patience, and analysis. That is because ideas in these documents are not expounded clearly and logically but rather with circumlocutions and contradictions; they are more suggested than affirmed. In addition, one must keep in mind the principles and methods of … Read more

Father Martin’s Double Standard

Father Martin’s Double Standard

  Father Martin’s Double Standard “The Rev. James Martin is a Roman Catholic rock star.” That is how his admirer Frank Bruni described him, in a February 3, 2018 Op-Ed in The New York Times. He continued: His books, including one on Jesus Christ and another on the saints, have sold hundreds … Read more

A Tale of Two Marches: Reasons for Hope and Confidence

45th Annual March for Life - A Tale of Two Marches: Reasons for Hope and Confidence

45th Annual March for Life A Tale of Two Marches: Reasons for Hope and Confidence On the occasion of this 45th annual March for Life, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins the legions of Americans nationwide who oppose the continued slaughter of innocents through abortion. We … Read more

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The rash of sexual harassment scandals is sweeping the nation to the point that it seems almost no male is exempt from its terrible fury. Anyone can be denounced by the media. Liberals point to “toxic masculinity” and social structures that must be overthrown. Feminists blame the remnants of patriarchy that manage … Read more

The Macabre Dance of the Skeletons Out of the Closet

The Macabre Dance of the Skeletons Out of the Closet

There is a certain point when a normal house becomes haunted. It is hard to say exactly when the change occurs, but when it does, things become strange and eerie. From the outside, the house seems to lose its air of respectability, and people sense something foreboding inside. They hear creaking noises. … Read more