Always Too Little, Too Late: The Plight of Modern Education

Always Too Little, Too Late: The Plight of Modern Education 1

The real education of the child begins very early in the child’s development. New research is finding that firm foundations set early are the best guarantee that children will experience success later in life. Liberal educators really do not want to hear such truths. They would prefer to parrot over and over … Read more

Save Us From the Tyranny of “Settled” Science

Save Us From the Tyranny of “Settled” Science

In classrooms across the country, high school students are taught the scientific method. It consists of constructing a doubtful hypothesis and designing a series of experiments to test the hypothesis with the observable facts. After a number of tests prove positive, the student can then take the facts and reach a conclusion. … Read more

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over 2

In a surprising new study, NASA satellite telemetry indicates that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the losses from its thinning glaciers. No doubt this data will not sit well with climate alarmists who claim that anthropogenic global warming is destroying the … Read more

Holy Shroud: New Evidence of Authenticity

Holy Shroud: New Evidence of Authenticity 2

After five years of studies and research on the Holy Shroud, a scientific body of the highest competence concludes that Science, even the most advanced, is unable to produce anything like it. It is impossible to imitate or falsify it. The Holy Shroud of Our Lord Jesus Christ is certainly the most … Read more

Why Can’t Evolution Evolve?

Why Can’t Evolution Evolve? 2

Tennessee is once again in the news over a recent law on evolution. This time around, the pro-evolution forces are in full retreat. A full 87 years after the Scopes trail, the new law gives teachers broad new rights to call into question evolutionary theory and teach alternative scientific explanation favoring creation. … Read more

Global Warming Heats Up In The Classroom

Global Warming Heats Up In The Classroom 2

The debate over global warming is now entering the classroom and its proponents are alarmed. It seems the “dogma” of the existence of global warming is running into problems as boards of education in several states have established a standard that requires the presentation of climate change “denial” as a valid scientific … Read more

The Green Cult

The Green Cult

We have seen how true ecology preserves, enriches and perfects nature in order to derive a benefit. It stimulates the progress of races and cultures of animal or plant species. Whereas the “green” ecologists, on the contrary, campaign to restrict or even prohibit the legitimate use of God’s creation to feed mankind. The true ecologist really loves creation while the “green” ecologist hates it.

Holy Shroud of Turin: God’s Gift for Our Time

Holy Shroud of Turin: God's Gift for Our Time 6

Through the centuries the miraculous aspects of the Holy Shroud of Turin have awed believers and skeptics the world over. Even modern technology has proven the authenticity of the Holy Shroud time and again, as well as unlock many hidden features including the three-dimensional qualities of Our Lord’s bodily imprint. This inspired … Read more

The Coming Ice Age

The Coming Ice Age

One thing modern science has shown the world is just how unscientific it can be. At times, pseudo-scientists skew data to promote a liberal agenda and rail about the evils of man and his harmful effect on the earth. A good example is the craze that began in the seventies over global … Read more