Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State

Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State 1

It is paradoxical that super-progressive California would have recourse to a concept of medieval law to support its revolt against federal immigration law enforcement. It is even more bizarre that the super-secular Golden State would consider itself a kind of Church with authority higher than that of the government and declare itself … Read more

The Allure of Lourdes

The Allure of Lourdes 2

As I sat down in the train for the final leg of my trip to Lourdes, I could not help but reflect that this was a trip repeated so many times by tens of millions of pilgrims from all over the world over the last 150 years. They had made this same … Read more

A Brief History of the Image of Czestochowa

A Brief History of the Image of Czestochowa 1

Tradition tells us that Saint Luke, an able painter, responding to the requests of many Christians, who wanted to preserve a remembrance of the Blessed Virgin Mary after her elevation into Heaven, painted her sacred face on an oak table, near which Our Lady used to sew and pray. Some time later, … Read more