Is Populism the Wave of the Future? Not Really.

Is Populism the Wave of the Future? Not Really.

A myth circulating in political science circles talks about a massive realignment in America. According to this narrative, the two major political parties have switched constituencies. The Republican Party, particularly under President Trump, is now the new Working Class People’s Party, while the Democrats have become the haven of rich and corrupt … Read more

Bishop Barron Extols the Qualities of Barabbas

Bishop Barron Extols the Qualities of Barabbas

Imagine a conversation among the Apostles after the Resurrection in which one says, “You know, Barabbas is not so bad. I know he’s a criminal but we must consider his intrinsic dignity.” Another replies: “I heard that he comes from an underprivileged background. Besides Saint Peter was a sinner too.” The dialogue … Read more

One Thing Was Missing at the Republican and Democratic Conventions

One Thing Was Missing at the Republican and Democratic Conventions 2

The national conventions are ended, and battle lines are drawn for the coming elections. Sorting through the rhetoric, something seems to be missing, and it makes this election very different from others. This election brings a change of focus that does not bode well. When billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel spoke at the … Read more

Effects of the French Revolution on America

Effects of the French Revolution on America 2

Throughout the colonial period of the three Americas, the respective mother countries were governed by a regime that, some differences aside, is known generically as the Old Regime. This was the system European countries implanted in their colonies. With the successive proclamations of independence by the American nations, this regime ceased to … Read more

Same-sex “Marriage”: Who Sounded the Retreat?

Same-sex "Marriage": Who Sounded the Retreat? 1

In the history of war, we can observe many cases of battles where someone mistakenly sounds the retreat when victory was in sight. This seems to be the case against same-sex “marriage.” Traditional marriage has never been defeated. Thirty-one times it has been taken to the polls and thirty-one times it has … Read more