Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

This article was written on October 1, 1939 on the occasion of the death of Sigmund Freud. The death of Freud (1856 – September 23, 1939) in England once again shed light on his personality and doctrine. Acclaimed with an aura of wisdom, his doctrine is as little known as the points … Read more

Leftist Hate, Prejudice and Bigotry

Leftist Hate, Prejudice and Bigotry 2

All too often we hear those in liberal media squawking about how conservatives who do not support the homosexual agenda are hateful, prejudicial and bigoted. Any logical argument in one’s defense is immediately met with the question: “How does the homosexual lifestyle affect you?” Well, it does affect people. One of the … Read more