How the Virus Killed Santa Claus But Not Christmas

How the Virus Killed Santa Claus But Not Christmas

Christmas is a special time for children, who are attracted by the sublime and themes of wonder and grace. As at the time of His birth, the Divine Infant radiates innocence and joy in a sinful world. Children especially sense these special graces and share in the Christmas joy. Even the commercialization … Read more

Senator Sasse’s Missing Pronouns

Senator Sasse’s Missing Pronouns 1

In our polarized nation, an “us versus them” scenario naturally arises. We are not supposed to frame the debate in this way. “Us” should refer to all Americans. “Them” is a term that is better not used at all. This is the central message of Sen. Ben Sasse’s new book, Them: Why We Hate … Read more

Woodrow Wilson or the Virgin Mary: Who Was Right About Peace?

Woodrow Wilson or the Virgin Mary: Who Was Right About Peace? 1

Arrogant men throughout history have claimed that they can establish peace on earth. Modern examples abound. The United Nations Charter talks of faith, but not of God. At their “summit meetings” world leaders constantly talk about peace yet it evades them.  All too often lofty aspirations vanish as words are forgotten. November 11, … Read more

Why We Must Resist Islam

Why We Must Resist Islam

Islam and the Suicide of the West: The Origin, Doctrine, and Goals of Islam, Luiz Sérgio Solimeo   Every year, the nation remembers the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11. This event is carved deeply into the American psyche. Yet in these commemorations, the media give us terribly … Read more

Why Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Why Good Fences Make Good Neighbors 1

“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,” wrote poet Robert Frost. In the opening line to his famous poem, “Mending Wall,” Frost explores one of the mysteries of fallen human nature. Everyone feels both a need and aversion for order. His questioning of the role of walls tries to explain this … Read more

A Formula for Dealing With the $21 Trillion Federal Debt

A Formula for Dealing With the $21 Trillion Federal Debt 1

It is official; the national debt has now exceeded $21 trillion. The tragic news comes just six months after it hit $20 trillion last September 8. This problem is obviously not going away. By voting to suspend the debt ceiling, Congress has allowed the government to borrow as much as it needs until … Read more

Why We Stop for Christmas

Why We Stop for Christmas

It is Christmas time, and the world stops for a brief moment. It does not stop long because there are too many important things to be done to waste on festive and unproductive folly. It can only be a short pause on Christmas day before the world must almost immediately return to … Read more