What Comes After Dobbs? A Natural Law Moment

What Comes After Dobbs? A Natural Law Moment

It has been a year since the celebrated Dobbs decision overturning the infamous Roe v. Wade ruling that found a legal “right” to procured abortion in the U.S. Constitution. Many are now asking what comes after Dobbs as the abortion issue weaves its way through the states. Some conservative states are all … Read more

How “Animals Rights” Activists Turn Animals into Socialists

How “Animals Rights” Activists Turn Animals into Socialists

“Animal rights” is a concept that is fast gaining traction in law. Many see animals as holders of rights in much the same way as humans. The movement is only one of the standard-bearers of cultural revolution aimed at destroying property and civilization. Wild Animals as Landowners One extreme advocate is a … Read more

Why Do Supreme Court Nominees and Justices Reject Natural Law?

Why Do Supreme Court Nominees and Justices Reject Natural Law?

In his book about natural law, Prof. J. Budziszewski explains how this fundamental law is written on the hearts of everyone without exception. Indeed, natural law is so evident that he claims it is “what you can’t not know.” Hence, the title of his book. Everyone-at all times and places-knows that lying, stealing … Read more

Natural Law Judges Are the Only Way to Save the Judiciary

Natural Law Judges Are the Only Way to Save the Judiciary

One reason conservatives give major importance to elections is that they know the selection of judges can impact law for decades. Thus, when President Trump selected two Supreme Court judges, many hoped that the Court would shift to the right. The June 15 Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia decision dashed these hopes. … Read more

Six Characteristics of True Environmental Stewardship

Six Characteristics of True Environmental Stewardship

Many North Americans, Latin Americans, and Europeans are justifiably skeptical of the global environmental movement. It shows many of the characteristics, not of a serious scientific movement, but of a political ideology or even a quasi-religious sect. The overwhelming majority of its leaders and foot soldiers espouse a not-so-hidden socialist ideology that … Read more

Why Sterile Nationalism Won’t Save Us From Globalism

Why Sterile Nationalism Won't Save Us From Globalism

Nationalism is one of those vague terms that appears when a social order is not anchored in moral certainties. The term can take on many meanings, some good, others bad because when nothing is certain, a climate of anxiety takes hold that distorts the national debate. This climate is found in today’s … Read more

Pope Francis’s Teaching on the Death Penalty: A Rupture With Divine Revelation and the Church’s Constant Teaching

Pope Francis’s Teaching on the Death Penalty: A Rupture With Divine Revelation and the Church’s Constant Teaching

In a speech to a delegation of the International Commission Against the Death Penalty, on December 17, 2018, Pope Francis denied the moral licitness of the death penalty by stating that it “is always inadmissible,” “contrary to the Gospel,” and “deeply injurious to human dignity.” Francis’s declaration could not be blunter: If … Read more