Can the Strong Gods Save Us?

Can the Strong Gods Save Us?

The cultural devastation around us leads many to ask where we went wrong. Most realize it did not happen overnight. A long process has brought us to ruin. R. Reno’s book, Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West, is an accurate, even refreshing critique of the post-war … Read more

Nationalism and Patriotism

Nationalism and Patriotism

At first glance, nationalism and patriotism seem synonymous. However, the concepts are two poles, two extremes, two irreconcilably antagonistic ideas. Patriotism expresses a sense of fidelity to a people and especially to its traditional authority. It is a virtue close to filial piety, by which children love, honor and serve their parents. … Read more

The Errors of Russia

The Errors of Russia

In July of 1917, Our Lady told the three visionaries at Fatima that Russia would “spread her errors throughout the world.” The Soviet Union spent seventy-four years doing just that. Many hoped that this spread would end when the Soviet Union dissolved the day after Christmas 1991. Early indications were promising. The … Read more

Why Sterile Nationalism Won’t Save Us From Globalism

Why Sterile Nationalism Won't Save Us From Globalism

Nationalism is one of those vague terms that appears when a social order is not anchored in moral certainties. The term can take on many meanings, some good, others bad because when nothing is certain, a climate of anxiety takes hold that distorts the national debate. This climate is found in today’s … Read more

‘The Suicide of the West:’ A Tale of Two Miracles

‘The Suicide of the West:’ A Tale of Two Miracles 2

“There is no God in this book.” Thus reads the provocative first sentence of Jonah Goldberg’s latest release, The Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy. This declaration is perhaps an unintended summary of the book about the crisis in the … Read more

A Link with the Left

A Link with the Left

Words can have a magical effect on people. Their simple usage can even change the way the public views people and positions. Long ago, the left figured this out and has taken full advantage of the fact. Thus, when homosexuals became “gays” and pro-abortionists became “pro-choicers” their status somehow improved, in spite … Read more