Boldly Rejecting Abortion at Millersville University

College students walking to and from classes on Monday morning, March 3, received a clear message: reject abortion and defend the unborn. TFP Student Action members invited students at Millersville University near Lancaster, Penn., to ponder the tragedy of abortion and shake off the indifference that permeates our culture. Whenever TFP Student … Read more

Roe vs. Wade: A Quarter-Century of Lies – 1998

Roe vs. Wade: A Quarter-Century of Lies - 1998

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand calls to mind the biggest pack of lies ever set in motion — lies that have cost the lives of more than 37 million innocent babies cruelly torn from their mothers’ wombs. How is it that … Read more