Exposing the False Feminist Narrative about Medieval Women

Exposing the False Feminist Narrative about Medieval Women

The feminist narrative of history portrays women’s rights as a recent phenomenon. Feminists believe that pre-modern women were oppressed by men and had few rights. Nowhere were women more miserable than in medieval times when the Church and a patriarchal society reduced them to near slavery. Feminists contend that since then, the … Read more

The Postmodern Rejection of Property Threatens to Devastate the World

The Postmodern Rejection of Property Threatens to Devastate the World

A postmodern school of Catholic economics now presents its teachings on private property with a dazzling ability to make contradictions. It is at once Thomistic and Keynesian; religious and ecological; international and tribal. The school’s advocates are the new property destroyers that employ means to undermine the institution without directly attacking it. … Read more

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

There is no doubt that humanity has benefitted from many advances that modernity has brought to the world. However, along with these benefits, modernity has also caused suffering, destruction, and loss of lives. These negative factors are now reaching crisis proportions and polarizing the nation as we search for solutions. As a … Read more

Leo XIII Condemns Americanism

The following article is adapted from the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧ Interpreting the pastoral line of Leo XIII in their own way, Americanists saw it as an incentive to continue on the path of Liberalism. “The title which above all others … Read more

Old and New Spirit of Hospitality

Old and New Spirit of Hospitality

Hospitality is as old as humanity itself. Ever since man began traveling the Earth he has needed a place to stay. Innkeeping can be found in all cultures around the globe, and it is mentioned several times in the Bible. Convents and monasteries all over Christian countries considered hospitality as a sacred … Read more

Who Will Save Notre Dame Cathedral from the Wreckovators?

Who Will Save Notre Dame Cathedral from the Wreckovators?

Catholics sighed with relief when state officials gave in to public pressure and decided to rebuild Notre Dame identically as it was before the tragic 2019 fire. The venerable 850-year old structure is part of the soul of the French nation. Any modernizations are rightly looked upon with suspicion. Ironically, the secular … Read more

Why Metaphysics Can Fix This Mess-America

Why Metaphysics Can Fix This Mess-America

These are anti-metaphysical times. Most people don’t realize it because they know nothing about metaphysics and how it affects their lives. However, rejecting metaphysics has tragic consequences for individuals and society in general. An anti-metaphysical world gives rise to individuals who fail to ponder things deeply, skimming the surface of life. Such … Read more

12 Rules for Life: A Book I Wanted to Like

12 Rules for Life: A Book I Wanted to Like

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is a book I wanted to like. I wanted so much to favor someone who proposes rules in our times of unrestraint. I see so clearly the need for an antidote to chaos. The fact that his book is on the top … Read more