Why Medieval Antibiotics Offer Effective Medical Solutions

Why Medieval Antibiotics Offer Effective Medical Solutions 1

It all began as one of those Friday afternoon projects that medical researchers sometimes do to satisfy curiosity. No one expected it to work. The researchers were testing medieval medical remedies by replicating a 1000-year-old recipe for an eye salve. They were prepared to see it prove that medieval medicine was backward … Read more

The Decision for Socialization of Medicine

The Decision for Socialization of Medicine 1

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins with countless Americans in decrying the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision upholding the Obamacare individual mandate. The decision represents a tragic expansion of socialist style healthcare and the promotion of a pro-abortion agenda. Moreover, the Court recognized that the individual … Read more

Obamacare’s Utopian Anti-Natalist Ideology

Obamacare’s Utopian Anti-Natalist Ideology 2

There is no question as to the desirability of an efficient, quick and humane health-care system that would cover everyone. However, common sense suggests and actual attempts made around the world to achieve such universal coverage have shown that it is nothing but a dream, an unattainable utopia. The Dangers of Bureaucratizing … Read more

Britain’s HealthCare Disaster; Our Model

Britain’s HealthCare Disaster; Our Model

Britain imposed socialized healthcare in 1948 with the creation of the National Health Service [NHS]. Then Labor Minister Dr. David Owen predicted, “We were going to finance everything, cure the nation and then spending would drop.” This was pure blind hubris. Sixty-four years were wasted in an attempt to prove that socialized … Read more