Is the Media Blind to Huge Traditional Marriage Rallies?

Is the Media Blind to Huge Traditional Marriage Rallies? 4

Thousands gathered on the east steps of the New York State Capitol building in Albany on Tuesday morning to defend the traditional marriage and oppose measures seeking to legalize same-sex “marriage” in the Empire State.The “Stand for Marriage” rally, organized by New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, attracted throngs of New Yorkers who, … Read more

Keeping the Covenant: Moral America Throngs to Washington

Keeping the Covenant: Moral America Throngs to Washington

The first thing that hits you at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. is a veritable sea of people that just keeps arriving on the scene. You see busload after busload offloading and streaming into the massive crowds that fill the Mall, the streets and the sidewalks. Americans of every age … Read more

Diversity, a “Talismanic” Word of the Homosexual Movement

Diversity, a “Talismanic” Word of the Homosexual Movement

In the terrible Cultural War afflicting the contemporary world, the most effective and destructive weapons are not bullets or bombs but rather ideas, concepts and words that attack traditions and institutions. Indeed, the most intense struggle now facing the nation is one of beliefs, ideas and convictions. Bombs may kill, wreak havoc … Read more

Answers to 10 Common Media Questions

Question: What are you doing here? Answer:We’re doing a prayer vigil in reparation for the blasphemies in The Da Vinci Code. This is one of a thousand prayer vigils across the country, from Miami, Florida to Anchorage, Alaska. Question: Isn’t it just fiction? Answer: Actually, it’s worse than fiction —it’s blasphemy! God … Read more

Da Vinci Code Campaign Blog

""""[vc_message message_box_color=”warning” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-angle-right”] May 31, 2006 The Passion of the Christ Trumps Da Vinci Code, Despite Pronounced Media Bias Media Research Center has prepared a study exposing media efforts to promote The Da Vinci Code and bury Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. (see: Despite their attempts, the numbers … Read more