The False Libertarian Notion of Self-Ownership

The False Libertarian Notion of Self-Ownership

Libertarians support the idea that a government’s only purpose is to protect life, liberty and private property. One way this is done is through an idea they call self-ownership. This is the notion that each individual owns himself, just like one who owns a piece of property. Thus, the government should have … Read more

Life in the Shadows

Life in the Shadows

If the pace of life seems overwhelming, it might well be because we have assumed so many of the jobs once held by others. This is the position of Craig Lambert in his book, Shadow Work: The Unpaid, Unseen Jobs That Fill Your Day (Berkeley, Calif., Counterpoint Press, 2015). The Harvard sociologist … Read more

Saint John Bosco: Overcoming All Obstacles

Saint John Bosco: Overcoming All Obstacles

This is a photo of the great Saint John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Congregation. Note his eminently priestly expression, but that of a man of the people. No one would imagine that he was born from a high social class. He is a peasant who became a priest, and that was … Read more

Which Model Will Work for Running America?

Which Model Will Work for Running America? 3

As the nation enters another exhausting election cycle, there is ever growing frustration with government. America is polarized and unable to move forward. Some believe the solution lies in forgetting about moral issues and just doing what it takes to return to power and prosperity. Such a pragmatic approach reduces all things … Read more

The Archbishop of Mexico Responds to the Demands of a ‘Transsexual’

The Archbishop of Mexico Responds to the Demands of a ‘Transsexual’

The Cardinal recalled that the catechism points out that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered acts, contrary to natural law and do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Therefore, under no circumstances can they be approved.” The Archbishop Primate of Mexico, Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera has responded to a transsexual’s … Read more

What Napoleon Thought About Holy Communion

What Napoleon Thought About Holy Communion 2

In an age of instant gratification, we are encouraged to forget about the most important things in our lives. Our rushed and hectic schedules demand our attention. We must have everything now, instantly, regardless of the consequences. It must be the latest and greatest, the biggest and the best version; it must … Read more