Three Things America Needs From the New Supreme Court Justice

Three Things America Needs From the New Supreme Court Justice

Justice Anthony Kennedy has just announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Everyone is talking about who will be his replacement. Much is at stake. For the liberals, it could spell the end to the precarious situation in which Kennedy’s swing vote has brought them many major victories and some small defeats. … Read more

How Judges Become Tyrants

How Judges Become Tyrants

Among the three branches of American government, there is supposed to be a system of checks and balances to curb any abuse of power. That is at least the theory. In practice, the judicial branch is now engaged in a campaign of checks without balances or precedent. Judges are becoming tyrants without … Read more

Same-sex “Marriage”: Who Sounded the Retreat?

Same-sex "Marriage": Who Sounded the Retreat? 1

In the history of war, we can observe many cases of battles where someone mistakenly sounds the retreat when victory was in sight. This seems to be the case against same-sex “marriage.” Traditional marriage has never been defeated. Thirty-one times it has been taken to the polls and thirty-one times it has … Read more