What They Are Saying About Defending a Higher Law

Pope Francis: A Paradigm Shift in the Church’s Position on Homosexual Sin? 2

“The paper is written with impeccable logic in virtually every section. In some ways, it almost reads like a modern format of the Summa Theologica where the opponent’s arguments are laid out and then refuted. The authors are fully in conformity with the teachings of the Church and argue for the Church’s … Read more

Neither Normal Nor Natural

Neither Normal Nor Natural 1

Crusade Magazine: Dr. Nicolosi, would you please describe for our readers NARTH’s primary focus? Dr. Joseph Nicolosi: NARTH is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Basically, our position is that homosexuality is neither normal nor natural. Rather, it is a developmental disorder that constitutes a treatable condition. Crusade: What … Read more