What Happens When a “Just-in-Time” World Breaks Down?

What Happens When a “Just-in-Time” World Breaks Down?

Consumers are long accustomed to getting whatever they want when they want it. The frenetic intemperance of having everything instantly and effortlessly defines consumer society. Manufacturers accommodate the immediate expectations by organizing seamless supply lines worldwide that get everything to its destination “just in time.” This world of instant gratification is breaking … Read more

This Is a Balanced Position on Tariffs and Protectionism

This Is a Balanced Position on Tariffs and Protectionism

The trade war has ignited debate on the merits of tariffs and the need to protect the nation’s manufacturing base. Battle lines are drawn between an exaggerated localism that stresses self-sufficiency and a bloated globalism where products transit the Earth unhindered and markets alone rule. Those who adhere to a concept of … Read more