Sinful Acts Have Consequences That Impact Society

Today, many wonder what has led our society to go so unbelievably wrong. They wonder how so many millions of Americans have gone from God-fearing, commandment-obeying citizens to hedonistic, immoral and even criminal neo-barbarians in a period of a few decades. They are many causes for this transformation. However, I believe two … Read more

Why the #MeToo Movement Is Doomed to Fail

Why the #MeToo Movement Is Doomed to Fail

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal brought home just how our attitudes about sexual relationships have become dangerously trivial and mechanical. It showed how we have lost the sense of decency, morality, and shame. The article reported on new apps that allow those who engage in casual relationships to tell … Read more

The Macabre Dance of the Skeletons Out of the Closet

The Macabre Dance of the Skeletons Out of the Closet

There is a certain point when a normal house becomes haunted. It is hard to say exactly when the change occurs, but when it does, things become strange and eerie. From the outside, the house seems to lose its air of respectability, and people sense something foreboding inside. They hear creaking noises. … Read more

Nightmare of Nudity Honored on National Mall

Nightmare of Nudity Honored on National Mall

As statues of historic figures are being defaced and removed, it was only a matter of time before we could expect the same politically-correct tyranny to impose its own statues upon the public. That time has come. While anticipated, no one could imagine something so indecent as what is being proposed for … Read more

Protesting an Immoral Show: Why It’s Important

Protesting an Immoral Show - Why It’s Important

Fifty-two brave individuals protested the “Kansas Burlesque Festival” in Topeka, Kansas on March 5th. They are brave because to stand up for what is right requires bravery. It is so much easier to talk about traditional values than it is to prove one’s convictions with actual deeds. A local organization, Visit Topeka, … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

Homosexual Practice and Religious Persecution

Homosexual Practice and Religious Persecution 2

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke stated that it is “critical at this time that Christians stand up for the natural moral law,” especially in defense of life and the family, in an interview with CNA/EWTN News on November 28, 2011. The Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura warned about the … Read more

A Look at the Real Brazil – Through Communist Eyes

A Look at the Real Brazil - Through Communist Eyes 2

The establishment media seek to convey a discouraging impression of Brazil as a country where the majority of the population prefers immorality and egalitarian decadence. However, this is a very partial view of reality that does not consider the deepest aspects of the Brazilian soul. Geraldo Galindo, leader of the Communist Party … Read more

The First Rosary Rally Captain Wants You To Join Him

The First Rosary Rally Captain Wants You To Join Him

Around the turn of the eighteenth century in Rennes, France, a family named D’Orvilles presented a problem to Saint Louis de Montfort. Mr. D’Orvilles complained to Saint Louis de Montfort that his house adjoined the city square where much sin and immorality took place. He said young people would come there at … Read more