What Happens When Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truths Face the Facts

What Happens When Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truths Face the Facts

In the climate control debate, the facts should matter. There should be a calm discussion of the facts before taking measures. However, this conversation is not happening. Instead, those who question the climate consensus are censored, labeled and vilified by the media while those who promote the climate agenda are favored, uncensored … Read more

This Is How Emotions Destroy a Faithless Society

This Is How Emotions Destroy a Faithless Society

Modernity prides itself on proclaiming the supremacy of reason over faith. The tenets of faith are dismissed as superstition and unproven. The Enlightenment found in nature all that was needed to ensure what was thought to be happiness on Earth. However, modern man soon revolted against the restraints of reason that held … Read more