Can the Church Abandon Her Mission Reaching Out to Save Souls?

Can the Church Abandon Her Mission Reaching Out to Save Souls?

Pope Francis’ meeting with the representative of the Russian Church and the Joint Declaration which ensued are causing the most diverse reactions. Condemnation of Abortion…But Praise for Communist Cuba The pro-life movement is excited by the unexpected and clear statement against abortion, defending marriage between a man and a woman, and condemning … Read more

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther 2

Symbolic acts and gestures often have a greater persuasive power than words and reasoning, though one completes the other. This is why the Divine Savior constantly used both symbolic gestures and employed metaphors and parables. This is also why the Church has always surrounded herself with symbols to make visible the beauty … Read more