This Is How Emotions Destroy a Faithless Society

This Is How Emotions Destroy a Faithless Society

Modernity prides itself on proclaiming the supremacy of reason over faith. The tenets of faith are dismissed as superstition and unproven. The Enlightenment found in nature all that was needed to ensure what was thought to be happiness on Earth. However, modern man soon revolted against the restraints of reason that held … Read more

The Destruction of the Order Par Excellence

The Destruction of the Order Par Excellence 2

Indeed, the order of things being destroyed is medieval Christendom. Now, medieval Christendom was not just any order, or merely one of many possible orders. It was the realization, in the circumstances inherent to the times and places, of the only authentic order among men, namely, Christian civilization. In his encyclical Immortale … Read more

Is the Voice of God Resounding in the Recent Catastrophes?

Is the Voice of God Resounding in the Recent Catastrophes?

The string of natural calamities and man-made tragedies afflicting the world and the United States, particularly Hurricane Katrina in late August, have stimulated many people to reflection. Some see these tragic events as God’s chastisement of a sinful mankind; others see them as yet one more merciful warning from Providence; others yet … Read more

‘Annum Ingressi’ Apostolic Letter of Pope Leo XIII

Pope Leo XIII

ANNUM INGRESSI APOSTOLICAL LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE LEO XIII TO ALL THE PATRIARCHS, PRIMATES, ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF THE CATHOLIC WORLD LEO XIII., POPE Venerable Brothers, Health and Apostolic Benediction. HAVING come to the twenty-fifth year of our Apostolic Ministry, and being astonished ourselves at the length of the way which … Read more