How Debt Policies Are Provoking an Unavoidable Crash

How Debt Policies Are Provoking an Unavoidable Crash

The big problem with debt is that it is addictive. Once a person starts down this ramp, it is hard to stop before insolvency. Addictions give way to irrational action. Sometimes the only way to stop is to crash into something hard. The debt problem is compounded exponentially when the addict is … Read more

Why Learning to Love Debt Is Not a Good Idea

Why Learning to Love Debt Is Not a Good Idea

It is that time again when liberals, sensing the possibility of being in control, are revving up the debt engines. So many things need to be done in a post-COVID world, and there is so little revenue to pay for it. Debt is the way out, they claim. Now is the time … Read more

Three Moral Reasons Why Economics Will Not Save Us

Three Moral Reasons Why Economics Will Not Save Us

When the economy goes down, monetary theories start circulating. Since most people dislike austerity, today’s most popular theory is spending the nation out of its crisis. The popularity makes sense in a world where no one wants to suffer toward a solution. Magic solutions are much preferred, as all pain is thus … Read more

Government Can’t Keep Acting Like Money Grows on Trees

Government Can’t Keep Acting Like Money Grows on Trees

A trillion dollars used to be a lot of money. In the past, most people never even thought in these terms since it seemed so far from reality. A trillion was like a gazillion. Few knew how many zeros were involved. However, times have changed. Our economy has expanded, and the value … Read more

Why Student Loan Forgiveness Is Not a Solution

Why Student Loan Forgiveness Is Not a Solution

The latest benefit scheme making the rounds in time for the elections is student loan forgiveness. Given the great debt burden on graduates, candidates are piling on the bandwagon to find a platform from which to show how benevolent they can be with taxpayers’ money. Student debt now stands at $1.46 trillion … Read more

MMT: The Latest Liberal Economic Fantasy

MMT: The Latest Liberal Economic Fantasy

A good definition of a liberal might be someone who tries to ignore the actual nature of reality. Thus, many politically correct formulations distort reality even to the point of denying the differences between the sexes. Ignoring the nature of reality can get particularly dangerous when applied to economics. The nature of … Read more

Three Ways to Avoid the Death of the Dollar—and America

Three Ways to Avoid the Death of the Dollar—and America

Little remains of the vast edifice of family, community and faith relationships that once unified and anchored the American way of life. These things have not disappeared from the horizon. They are still important, but they have deteriorated. There is no more consensus about what they mean, and they no longer serve … Read more