Coronavirus and the Changed Theology on Creation

Coronavirus and the Changed Theology on Creation

The Church has had some difficulty interpreting the pandemic crisis from a theological viewpoint. This is because contemporary theology has replaced the traditional conception of God’s Creation, according to which He created everything out of nothing and produced a whole collection of things mysteriously ordered for salvation. Contemporary theology no longer accepts … Read more

How Evolution Means the Death of the Soul

How Evolution Means the Death of the Soul

Evolutionists rarely proclaim their incompatibility with Christianity so as not to alarm Christians. They will generally try to present evolution as a purely scientific theory that seeks to explain the origins of the universe. If religious people have a problem, it is their narrow vision that is to blame, not the theory … Read more

Living in the Shallows: The Decline of Thought

Living in the Shallows: The Decline of Thought

As I look upon the desolate landscape of sound bites, tweets and other social media, I cannot help but lament what has happened to our culture. Almost all Americans have a high school education. And today more people than ever have college degrees. One would expect reading levels to be increasing. Real … Read more

How Material Things Can Lead Us to God

How Material Things Can Lead Us to God

A lady recently wrote me with a question about the role of material things in life. She was confounded by apparent contradictions between living a pious life while enjoying material things that are all around us. She had read the stories of the saints and how they often scorned material things. Since … Read more

Meditation Next to the Child God in the Crib

Meditation Next to the Child God in the Crib

Approach the crib of the Child God with me. Let us imagine the arrival of the Magi Kings at the manger, after having followed the Star of Bethlehem with their caravans and treasure-laden animals. These sovereigns—King Balthazar, King Melchior and King Gaspar—offer the Child Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh, in adoration. Looking … Read more

Why We Stop for Christmas

Why We Stop for Christmas

It is Christmas time, and the world stops for a brief moment. It does not stop long because there are too many important things to be done to waste on festive and unproductive folly. It can only be a short pause on Christmas day before the world must almost immediately return to … Read more

Trans-Species: Transgenderism’s Rotten Fruit

Trans-Species: Transgenderism’s Rotten Fruit 1

If a man can become a woman at will, why can’t he be anything else he so desires? Such a relativistic conclusion is already being proposed. Welcome to the world of the trans-species; also know as the furries or otherkins, who suffer from Species Identity Disorder; a frequent theme in homosexual parades. … Read more

The Return of the Absent Clockmaker

The Return of the Absent Clockmaker 1

At a certain point in modern times, it was decided that God, the Creator of heaven and earth, should stay out of the business of running the world He created. Supposedly, men could do it much better without Him. All this was done, mind you, with a certain amount of tact and … Read more

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 4

Dr. Beisner is a scholar specializing in the application of Christian worldview, theology, and ethics to economics, government, environmental stewardship, and public policy. As a professor he has taught theology, apologetics, ethics, church history, economics, and other disciplines. He has written four books on population, resources, economics, and the environment; eight other … Read more