A Misconception of Compassion

A Misconception of Compassion 4

Not a few Americans have an aversion to social and economic inequalities. This repulsion arises not so much from philosophical convictions as from a temperamental disposition at the heart of which lies a serious misconception about the nature of compassion. Such mentalities believe that inequalities, particularly those of a social or economic … Read more

Is It Never Licit to Judge Others?

Is It Never Licit to Judge Others? 3

In today’s ambience of philosophical and moral relativism in which we live, whenever we criticize objectively immoral actions or behaviors such as abortion, homosexual acts, adultery, and so forth, we often hear someone citing the words of the Divine Saviour, “Judge not.” The Absurdity of Not Judging Yet a literal and out … Read more

Blessed Francisco: Contemplator of the Universe

Blessed Francisco: Contemplator of the Universe 1

In May 1946, Sister Lucia, then a Dorothean nun, went to Fatima to visit the sites of the apparitions of the angel (1916) and Our Lady (1917). At Valinhos, where the fourth apparition of Our Lady took place, a group was waiting for her that including her uncle Marto, the father of … Read more

XXI Century Crusade

XXI Century Crusade 4

Medieval Crusaders shed their blood to free the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the hands of the infidels and to establish a Christian kingdom in the Holy Land. Today the blood of Catholics still flows — in Communist China, the Sudan, Cuba, and many other countries where religious persecutions continue … Read more

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition 1

Recent statements by Cardinals George Cottier and Javier Lozano Barragán that condom use is legitimate in certain circumstances to prevent the spread of AIDS are creating confusion among Catholics worldwide and causing enormous scandal. Unfortunately, these high-ranking prelates, both holding important posts in the Roman Curia, have joined a growing number of … Read more