Will the West Let Itself be Squeezed Between Russia and China?

Will the West Let Itself be Squeezed Between Russia and China?

Entering a new year, many news commentators customarily do a retrospective analysis of the past year as a means for proposing possible scenarios for the upcoming one. This is an increasingly difficult task as events become more chaotic and unpredictable. Today, we cannot speak of political processes with an internal logic that … Read more

Youth Apathy Is Communist China’s Achilles Heel

Youth Apathy Is Communist China’s Achilles Heel

It all started as a joke from comedian Ali Wong. She said, “I don’t want to lean in. I want to lie down.” The comment has now become a way of life for some sectors of the Chinese public. Many overworked millennial and Gen-Z Chinese see the frantic pace of their lives … Read more

America Must Go Beyond Wishful Thinking About China

America Must Go Beyond Wishful Thinking About China

America and the West’s policy of “constructive engagement” with Communist China make up the most egregious case of wishful thinking in history. For almost fifty years, the West has pumped trillions of dollars into the Chinese experiment and now has little to show for it except a much stronger China. Fortunately, many … Read more

How China Uses Its Citizens as Lab Rats

How China Uses Its Citizens as Lab Rats

China’s disregard for human life and its irresponsible spread of the Chinese coronavirus allows for the unexpected. It is not surprising that Beijing is now using its citizens as laboratory rats in coronavirus vaccine trials. Irresponsible vaccine testing on humans is always reprehensible since it endangers human lives. However, it appears that … Read more

China Embraces Hong Kong—Like a Boa Constrictor

China Embraces Hong Kong—Like a Boa Constrictor

All leftists clamor for dialogue, tolerance, free speech and the right to protest—until they are in power. The most recent example of this contradiction is Communist China that has lowered the boom on the freedoms once enjoyed in Hong Kong. The city once had a free-market economy and autonomy from the communist … Read more

Rethinking China

Rethinking China - A Prophetic Voice and the Predictions That Foresaw Where We Are Today

“We will be forced to review our relationship.” Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed this intimidating statement to Donald Trump, who called COVID-19 the “Chinese virus.” The President of the United States, leader of the greatest economic and military power in history, felt the need to surrender and stop using the “Chinese” adjective. … Read more

China’s “Zero” Virus Cover-up Speaks Zero Truth

China’s “Zero” Virus Cover-up Speaks Zero Truth

In Soviet Russia, there were two major newspapers. One was called Izvestia, which means news, and the other was called Pravda, which means truth. The Russians used to say, “there is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia.” Communist countries peddle propaganda, not truth. Falsehood is a way of life … Read more