Liberal German Catholics to Pressure Synod on Family

Liberal German Catholics to Pressure Synod on Family German Flag We Are Church

Frankfurt am Main, Germany — one of the most important aspects in the pontificate of Pope Francis is the Pastoral Policy on Marriage and the Family. In order to analyze and discuss the requirements of our time, he called a “small” meeting of bishops, held in October 2014. That Synod was supposed … Read more

Priestly Celibacy, a Tradition of Apostolic Origin

Priestly Celibacy a Tradition of Apostolic Origins

Not infrequently some ecclesiastic raises the question of priestly celibacy implying that it can be discussed because it is not a dogma of the faith. The secular media immediately take such statements and scatter them to the four winds, implying that the Church is about to abandon the discipline of celibacy. The … Read more

Neither Normal Nor Natural

Neither Normal Nor Natural 1

Crusade Magazine: Dr. Nicolosi, would you please describe for our readers NARTH’s primary focus? Dr. Joseph Nicolosi: NARTH is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Basically, our position is that homosexuality is neither normal nor natural. Rather, it is a developmental disorder that constitutes a treatable condition. Crusade: What … Read more

Tracing the Glorious Origins of Priestly Celibacy

Tracing the Glorious Origins of Priestly Celibacy 3

Self-appointed reformers always arise in times of crises offering “brilliant” solutions that attempt to demolish the Church’s most venerable traditions. Priestly celibacy, a glorious trait of the Latin Church, has been a constant target of these so-called reformers. Curiously enough, abolishing priestly celibacy comes hand-in-hand with destroying the indissolubility of marriage. This … Read more